Trouble In The Present, Blasts In The Past

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Y/N looks at Ruby, who had changed into her little red riding hood outfit. Y/N frowned as he saw that she was crying.

Y/N sat next to Ruby, both of their eyes interlocking.

Ruby leans her head onto Y/N's shoulder, silently sobbing into his cloak. He sighs, and gently strokes her hair, each stroke causing her to sob less and less.

Y/N sighs. "I'm sorry for not being there for you Rubes. I guess it's my fault for not attempting to look for a partner huh?"

Ruby shakes her head and hugs his arm. "N-no Y/N. It's not your fault. I just..." Ruby takes a shaky breath, and hugs Y/N's arms tighter. "I just don't want you to leave all of us is all, I don't want you to leave me..."

Y/N smiles and brushes a piece of hair from Ruby's eye, revealing the gleam of silver behind it.

"I'm not going anywhere Rubes. I just can't stay at Beacon because I failed the initiation." Y/N then lifts her head up, both of them interlocking eyes again. "But I'm willing to stay in Vale, if it means I can protect you."

Ruby's heart skips, as Y/N says that he just wants to protect her.

Y/N smiles, before frowning.

"Hey Ruby... Did you know that I could reincarnate?"

Ruby's eyes met his, but his eyes were filled with sorrow, and sadness. Ruby nodded.

Y/N sighed. "I'm starting to remember things from my past. Like everything. From my first reincarnation, to... Well..." He shrugs. "Whenever my last reincarnation is." Y/N looks up, and smiles. "I can also remember everyone else too, like Qrow, Raven, Taiyang." He then looks at Ruby, and smiles. "I can even remember your mother too, but I remember her the most."

Ruby smiles, noticing that his sadness was deteriorating.

Y/N chuckles. "I even remember Maria, oh fun times. Me and her had a very fun relationship, even though she tried to act serious all the time."

Ruby frowns. "Is anything else wrong Y/N?"

Y/N sighs. "Well Ruby... This cloak? This isn't mine." He smiles, and tears slowly make their way down his face. "It's actually your mother's."

Ruby widens her eyes, her thoughts and questions blending into a large mess.

Y/N pulls out his scroll, going to his pictures and videos. "This scroll is also hers, and all these pictures." He scrolls through each one of them, most of them from Team STRQ days, while some of them are Y/N and Summer, after Summer met Y/N in one of the many forests on Remnant. "These ones are the ones she and I took, and all these videos too."

Ruby becomes speechless. Her emotions are mixing all together. Anger, sadness, happiness, guilt, all of them mixing together.

Y/N smiles. "Though, I don't regret any of those times I spent."

Y/N stands up, walking and standing in front of the tree, gazing at Beacon.

What Ruby didn't expect, is that five ghost like figures came out of no where, each one appearing around the age of 20-24. They all stood by Y/N, each one of them holding a mug.

"I didn't expect to remember all of this, but I'm glad I did."

Y/N turned around, as did the ghost like figures. Ruby's eyes widened as she noticed that the five of those ghosts, were past reincarnations of Y/N.

Y/N smiles, while each one smiles the same way.

"I do plan to makes some memories with all of you guys here too, just make sure you guys don't do anything dumb."

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