Chapter 4

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Snow passed out around fifteen minutes ago. I knew he was gone when he started skipping words in his sentences and couldn't hold a pen straight. He finally flopped down on the floor muttering that he just needed to close his eyes for a second. After a second he stopped muttering and his breathing slowed down. I would have taken the floor and offered him my bed had he not fallen asleep already. I don't want to wake him now, he has a hard enough time sleeping, if I wake him he'll probably be up all night. I sigh and stand up, plucking a blanket off the bed. I spread it out over Snow but he promptly kicks it off. Right, that boy is a living campfire.

I begrudgingly pick my way around Snow and unlatch my window, swinging it open. Then I go back and fix the blanket over him again. It stays on this time and I move to fetch him a pillow too. Then I slide down against the side of my bed and watch him. I think about pulling his sleeve up to see what's written on it. I should've guessed that Snow had a soulmate. Of course he does, It's probably Agatha. I take a deep breath and try to consider the likelihood that he's just written down his grocery list on himself. Snow mutters something and turns over, lifting one arm in an arch over his head as if he's slashing at something. His tumble of curls lull behind his head as it turns. After a moment his breathing goes back to normal and his body bunches back up. I close my eyes and listen, I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since last year. Now that Simon is back in here with me, I'm sure of him again.

Before I fall asleep I grab my pen and roll up my own sleeve. I tap the pen against my chin, wondering if I should actually write anything. I probably wouldn't if it were any time other than three AM, but it is. So I do.
Sorry about yesterday, I begin, I just wasn't expecting you. Besides, there's someone I've wanted for a long time. But I think he's already got a soulmate.


I wake up to an alarm going off. It can't be mine because I always forget to set my own alarm. Penny usually calls me to wake me up for class. In fact, it's better than an alarm because there's no snooze button. Even if I hang up, Penny will keep calling until I answer her. I blink open my eyes and realize that I'm on the floor. I must've fallen asleep in Baz's room. I push myself up and rub my eyes. Baz is asleep sitting up against his bed. Why didn't he just get into bed last night? Whatever. I reach up next to him and slide his alarm off. It's nine o'clock. Bollocks, why does he have an alarm this early? Our first class isn't until noon today.

A cold breeze hits me and I glance to see that the window's open. Baz hates sleeping with the window open. It's something we would argue about constantly last year. I look back down and he shivers a little. Maybe it was just my imagination. Either way I step over him and shut it. It's still cold in here so I grab my blanket off the floor, when did I get a blanket last night? Oh well, I lay it over Baz's shoulders. I'm sure if he were awake he'd make a rude comment about it.
I take a step back and lay back down on the floor. With someone else in the room to listen to it doesn't take long for me to fall back asleep.

I wake up again but this time it's Baz shaking my shoulder.
"Snow," he's saying, "Wake up." I squeeze my eyes for a second before opening them and sitting up.
"Right, I'm up," I yawn. Baz backs away and checks his phone.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Eleven thirty almost, I must've slept through my alarm."
"I shut it off," I tell him.
"You shut it off?" I nod. Baz sighs and stands up.
"Wait," I say, "What time is it again?" Baz rolls his eyes at me.
"Eleven thirty, Snow."
"Shit!" I spring up and start snatching up papers, trying to decipher which are mine and which are Baz's.
"What is it, Snow?" Baz asks. I don't respond. I give up on separating the papers and just start shoving them into my bag.
"I've got to get back to my dorm and shower! I'm meeting Penny and her mum for dinner tonight and I won't have time after classes!" I explain frantically. Baz raises an eyebrow as I stand up and swing the door open.
"What about Wellbelove?" He asks. I think about answering but then I just shake my head. I start to run out the door but Baz stops me.
"Wait," he calls. When I turn around he's lurched forwards like he was about to grab my arm but stopped at the last second.
"Yeah?" I ask, anxiously tapping my heel.
"It was nice, not fighting with you," he says. I guess it was. We didn't argue a bit last night. He didn't even make fun of me when I told him I was failing ecology.
"Yeah," I agree, "We should not fight more often, but maybe we start when we see each other in class?" He nods and I run down the stairs.

Sun Splashed Ink Wells (SnowBaz Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now