Chapter 2

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Whoever my soulmate is, they write like an animal. So I told them so, I don't really care if that's rude. I'd rather not have a soulmate to begin with. So if this gets them to fuck off then it's all right with me. As I'm heading back up my dorm at the end of the day I start getting this itchy feeling on my wrist. I look down and the scratchy black text is disappearing, I suppose they're scrubbing it off. Good, this probably means that they want nothing to do with me. The feeling is mutual. I make it up to my dorm and close the door when I feel something on my wrist again. This time the feeling is less scratchy and scrubby and more like it's trying to tickle my forearm. I look down to see a new set of words appearing just under the line I'd written earlier. The handwriting is a bit more legible this time so I can actually read it. How kind of them to try.

Fuck off, it writes. Lovely. I can go right back to my normal life. Or that's what I thought for the next twenty minutes until more writing appeared.
Wait, you're really not going to say anything? I lean back in my chair and groan. Do they want something to do with me or don't they? Make up your mind for Crowley's sake. I don't know what's compelling me to actually respond but I take up my pen and begin to write back.

I thought you told me to "fuck off." I wait for a moment, hoping they take the hint and leave me alone.
I didn't mean it! I didn't even think I had a soulmate, let alone that they'd be such a tosser. Of course not.
If you think I'm a tosser then why don't you stop talking to me? I offer. I doubt they'll really stop but at least I've given them enough to know that I'm not interested.
I don't know, appears. By now halfway up my forearm has been covered in ink.
Because you're my soulmate, I guess? Not that I need or want one, but I guess it's just . . . something. That was odd. What do they mean by something? I don't respond. I go back to my homework and scrub my writing off my arm in the shower. It's a shame that I can't scrub off my soulmate's writing. I wish I could. I guess this just means I'll be wearing long sleeves until they scrub it off themself. At least they can't see my messages to them anymore.

I fall into bed and stare at the ceiling for a bit. Then I stare at the wall opposite from me. I thought it would be a blessing not to share a room with the person I'm in love with. I thought I'd want this after a year of waking up and thinking all this would end in flames. After countless sleepless nights just because I couldn't tear my eyes off of him. I think I get less sleep now. I realize not that it was the thought of Snow, the sound of his breathing that brought me enough peace to sleep at night. He's the one thing I've always been sure of. Blue eyes, bronze curls. The fact that Simon Snow was alive. I felt more at home in that dorm last year than the actual home I grew up in. Now I can't even sleep because he's not here. Because I can't see his golden curls thrown over his pillow. I can't hear his slow breathing from across the room. I can't count the moles on his cheeks. Damnit Snow.


My soulmate is a complete tosser. After we'd finished "talking" they scrubbed all their messages off their arm. Which is their choice I guess but it still felt rude. It's like rooming with Baz all over again. Although I guess this is better because I don't live with them. Though maybe it's worse because they're my soulmate for Christ's sake. It's not like I have to date my soulmate. Plenty of people never meet their soulmate and go on and marry someone else. But they say the karma catches up with you, which I'm not sure I believe. It's like, if the universe goes through the trouble of finding you the perfect partner then you'd better not mess it up. Right now I don't give a flying fuck about the universe or what I owe it.

Why would I thank the universe for matching me up with some asshole right after my girlfriend's broken up with me? Sorry universe, I'll have to take a rain check. I should have done my homework tonight, after all it's not like I'm doing great in my ecology classes. But I'm too mad to care. So instead I decide to take a walk. I don't have to worry about waking my roommate because I don't have one anymore. After last year and plenty of begging the headmaster let me have a single dorm on scholarship. There was no way I was going to chance living with Baz for two years in a row. I guess that living in care homes most of my life has made me accustomed to living with roommates though, because I can't get any sleep on my own. Even living with just Baz I was able to sleep better, and I could've sworn he was plotting to kill me in my sleep.

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