Chapter 8

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    I’m jostled awake by Snow tramping about the room trying to get ready. He’s always been obsessed with being the first one down to breakfast. I honestly think he’s forgotten that he’s not at Watford right now. I glance at my mobile and see that it’s just past six O’clock. No one but my father will even be up yet, so there won’t even be breakfast downstairs. Snow starts making his way to the door and comes just close enough for me to snag his arm. He jumps, and looks down at me.
    “I didn’t realize you were awake,” he apologizes quietly. I sit up on one elbow and tug Snow towards me.
    “I’m only awake because of you. No one is even going to be making breakfast for another two hours. Go back to sleep, Snow.” I roll over, forgetting that I’m still holding his sleeve until he yelps and falls half on top of me. He quickly scrambles off of me but remains sitting on the edge of my bed. I roll back over to look at him. I’m so tired I can’t think properly and I end up just staring at him for a minute.
    “Right,” he finally breaks the silence, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry. I’ll just. . .” He trails off and starts to stand but I’m still holding on to his sleeve. I tug on him lightly and he sits back down, letting himself relax. I scooch over, letting him lay down beside me. To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m doing. All I know is that Snow is letting me close to him. He’s looking at me, and I think he’s a little confused but he’s smiling nonetheless. My left arm is buzzing, like I’m doing something right. And I wonder if his is doing the same, even if he doesn’t know yet.
    “Sorry for waking you up,” he whispers. I let my hand fall from his sleeve and he takes it. I squeeze his hand.
    “Don’t worry about it, Snow.”


    I don’t remember falling back asleep, but I wake up to a light knock on the door. Baz must’ve heard it too because he sits up and climbs over me to get out of bed. He opens the door and leans down. When he steps back into the room he’s carrying a tray of breakfast foods. There’s a stack of waffles, with a boat of syrup, eggs, sausage, and a carton of milk. Baz sits down on the floor, setting the tray in front of him and waves me over.
    “Why didn’t we just go down for breakfast?” I ask as I take a seat on the floor across from Baz. Not that I’m complaining, I’m a lot less awkward when it’s just Baz than I am around his family. And the only person I’ve even seen so far is his sister. I didn’t even know he had a sister. Baz gives off only child energy, but they seemed close based on how she talked to him.

    “I don’t like eating in front of people.” Baz is serving me a huge plate, which I appreciate. He hands it to me and I gladly take it and start shovelling food into my mouth. Baz slowly takes a bite, covering his mouth as he chews. 
    “Is there a reason you don’t?” He tips his head up and rolls his eyes back in thought. As he does, his hair falls back around his neck.
    “I started feeling weird about it the year my mother died. I’m not really sure what brought it on.” A wave of guilt washes over me. I didn’t mean to bring that up. 
    “Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” I stop and Baz shakes his head.
    “It’s fine, Snow.” I almost don’t believe him, but there’s not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. His gaze is sincere too, and it’s fixed on me. I realize that I’ve been staring at him. I shift my eyes to look around the room, pretty much at anything but Baz.
    I follow Baz to the kitchen when we’re finished but he won’t let me touch the dishes. When I reached for the foset he slapped my hand away and cleaned the whole mess himself. I finally give up and lean across the counter, admiring the sprawl of garden visible from the kitchen window. The garden looks huge, and it’s beautifully diverse despite the layer of snow.
    The water switches off and Baz comes over to me. He’s drying his hands as he follows my gaze out the huge paned window.
    “Do you want a tour?” I break my eyes away from the garden to look at Baz.
    “Of the garden?” He nods. I take another quick glance out the window.

Sun Splashed Ink Wells (SnowBaz Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now