Chapter 3

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I think about writing to my soulmate when I wake up. I don't know what I'd say. 'Hey I found out last night that my mortal enemy's mother is dead and also that he might've been there for it.' That's the only thing I can think about right now. Baz and his mother. I didn't know his mother was dead. I've heard him talk about his mum before, though come to think of it I think it's his step mother that he's talked about. I think her name is daphne or something along those lines.

I go to change my shirt and realize that my own writing is still on my arm. I think about scrubbing it off, but then I think about how it's probably pissing off my soulmate. I decide to leave it there, just for the rest of the day. It's probably driving them mad not being able to get rid of it. The crisp air from my open window tells me that it's freezing outside. I throw on a blue jumper and head out for my first class. I share it with Baz. Actually, I share almost all my classes with Baz. Ecology is a pretty small major at Watford, so there aren't a lot of classes for it.

Ecology, I think. Then, Damn it! I didn't finish my essay last night! I knew I was forgetting something. I didn't care about it last night but this could make me fail the class. I've been falling behind since, well, since I started school here. I can't focus properly and I can hardly keep up with any of the lectures. I like ecology, but it's so complicated. Much more so than I thought when I first chose my major. I take my phone out and text Penny as I'm walking.


I wake up to the buzzing of my phone next to me. I know it's Simon before I even look at it, this had better be an emergency. I grab my phone and squint at it, trying to adjust my eyes to the brightness of my screen.

Penny im gonna fail ecology! It says. Honestly I'm surprised he even used punctuation. He must be seriously worried. I sigh and start typing back.
I'm sure you're not failing, Simon. What happened?
I forgot to finish my essay last night and its like 20% of my grade, I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch the bridge of my nose. I'd love to help him, but I haven't even studied ecology. I've been far too focused on my own major.
How do you even forget to finish an essay that huge? I question.
. . . Simon responds, and then, Baz. Why am I surprised? I thought that Simon would stop obsessing over Baz when they each got separate rooms but he didn't. In fact it's possible that it's gotten even worse.
Great snakes, Simon. You might just need a tutor. You know I can't help you with ecology. I tell him.

I hope he does get a tutor. Simon's been struggling with school since I met him. I didn't mind being his personal tutor, but now I know next to nothing about what he's doing in his classes. It was easier in high school when he would just sign up for all the same courses as me. But I wanted to focus on History and Poli Sci, both of which bore Simon half to death. I was proud of him when he settled on Ecology, it felt like he was finally making his own decisions. Sadly, his own decisions were met with humiliatingly low grades. Simon told me once that he was almost glad he didn't have any parents to show his marks to.

I finally drift back to sleep for the next few hours before I have to get ready for my first class of the day.


I think Penny's right. I do need a tutor. Though I don't know if there are any on campus tutors for ecology, and I don't have the money for an off campus tutor. I'll figure something out. I push the door to the lecture all open and shove my phone into my pocket. If I get caught on it my professor will fail me for sure. I take a seat in the third row. Baz comes in hardly a moment later and climbs up to the fourth row, seating himself directly behind me. Why does he always sit behind me? Seriously in every class. I swear he's just sitting there thinking about snapping my neck all day.
That can't be entirely true I suppose. Baz has excellent marks, so he must actually be paying attention some of the time. He's been the top of our class since we started at Watford. I bet if Penny were in our major she'd give him a run for his money, but no one else in ecology even comes close to Baz's level of genius. That gives me an idea. No, shove it down, Simon. He would never tutor you. Besides, I don't want Baz to be my tutor. I already see him in class every day, I don't want to have to spend time with him in my free time as well. I got enough of that last year.

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