Chapter 5

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I'll have to remember not to tell Penny that I lost my tie before dinner. If I mention it her and her mother will both lecture me on soulmate karma. I had already dug through my entire wardrobe by the time Penny came up to get me. I've no clue how she gets past the security to the boys dorm building. She's been doing it since we got to Watford and she refuses to tell me how. It's a miracle that she's never been caught.

She opens my door and gives me a sideways glance because my clothes are strewn all over the floor. I don't tell her why, because I can't think of an excuse that she'll fall for. So instead I stand up and usher her out the door. Penny doesn't say anything. She just rolls her eyes at me and leads me down to her mum's car.

By the time we get back from dinner, it's pouring rain. I walk Penny back to the Cloisters, which is her dorm building, luckily she brought an umbrella. Once she's gone, however, I'm on my own. I still have some time before I meet Baz, so I head back to my dorm to change and fetch my umbrella. I figure studying for hours in wet clothes will be far too uncomfortable. I get changed into the first set of clothes I find thrown on my floor and try to hunt down my umbrella. I sweep the room, checking the back of the wardrobe first. When I can't find it in the room, I check the bathroom just in case. I don't find it. By the time I'm done searching it's already past seven. I guess I'll end up studying in wet clothes after all.

I finally give up and start on my way to Baz's dorm building. He's still in Mummer's house, but he's moved down to the second floor where the single rooms are. By the time I get there I'm soaked through. Oh well, I guess there's nothing to be done about it. I stomp up the stairs to Baz's room and take a breath before knocking.
"You're soaked," Baz greets me when he opens his door, "And late. Crowley, you look like something the cat dragged in. What happened to you, Snow?"
"Thanks Baz, I know I look like the next top model," I snark. Then I trip over Baz's door stop. Baz closes the door and walks past me, swinging his wardrobe open.
"What're you doing?" I ask as he throws a towel at me.
"Get changed, Snow. I'm not having you soak my carpet," he says, shoving a set of his clothes into my arms.

Baz's clothes have got to be the most expensive things I've ever worn. Everything he gave me is soft, even his jeans. I didn't think Baz wore jeans. They're a bit long for me, which makes sense I guess. Baz is taller than me but all his height's in his legs. He also gave me a sweater, I didn't think Baz wore sweaters either. He seems way too posh and goth. He doesn't really dress goth, but he looks like he would. With his long black hair and stark widows peak. He'd look like a vampire if he weren't half egyptian. Anyway, he loaned me a purple Watford football sweater. He doesn't play on the team anymore, but he did last year. I guess that's why he has it. Not only are his clothes soft and expensive, they also smell just like him. Cedar and bergamot, whatever posh soaps he uses.

While I'm changing I notice there's a new message on my arm. I knew I felt something scratching it during dinner.
Thanks, I'll check for that to-do list, it reads.
When I get out of the bathroom Baz is setting up his laptop and organizing a few of the papers that I left here this morning.
"Right," he says, "We've still got a bit of work to do to catch you up. I think we left off on biogeography last night."
"Yeah, we did. You said K-characteristics were probably a good place to stop." Baz blinks at me.
"You remember that?"
I shrug, "You're a good teacher," I sit down next to him at his desk. The rain starts to slow down, then it stops.


I'd been tempted to lend Simon a short sleeved shirt so that I could see what was written on his arm. I decided not to, I shouldn't invade his privacy. So I lent him my old Watford football jumper instead. It's not like I have a chance with him, even if he doesn't have a soulmate. It's raining hard. It's not even much of a walk from his building to Mummers house and he looked like a cat that had been dunked in the tub.

He looks nothing like a dunked cat now. His hair is still a bit damp, but he cleans up surprisingly well. I was going to loan him my umbrella for his walk back, but before we even start working the rain comes to a stop. Snow grabs a few of my notes and shuffles through them.
"Jeez, your handwriting is ridiculously fancy," he almost complained, turning one sheet on its side to examine it closer. I roll my eyes.

"It's called calligraphy," I inform him. Simon ignores me, still shuffling through the papers.
"God they even write like you," he mutters. I'm not sure that I was supposed to hear that but I do.
"Who writes like me, Snow?" He looks up at me and shrugs as if that's an answer. I give him a slow blink to show that I didn't get it.
"My soulmate," he says nonchalantly. Oh. So he does have one then. I'm not sure why I'm surprised. No, not surprised, I'm just hurt. And I know why.

"Your soulmate," I echo. Shit. I didn't mean for that to slip out. Simon is staring at me.
"So it isn't Wellbelove?" I ask, quickly trying to cover up my hurt as confusion. Simon casts his eyes down. Right, sore subject. Damnit, I didn't mean to hurt him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up again."
"No, it's fine," he looks back up at me, "She broke up with me."
"Simon I'm sorry," I begin, placing a hand on his arm, "Was it because you've got a soulmate?" Simon shifts his feet uncomfortably.
"Yeah? Maybe? I think that was part of it," he explains, "But to be honest, I was a terrible boyfriend." I squeeze his arm and he smiles at me a little. And it hurts because it's a pitiful, sad smile.

"Penny was right, I think I was just going through the motions. I just kept doing whatever I thought she wanted, but I kept getting it wrong."
"So, why didn't you end it sooner?" I prompt. Simon shakes his head.
"It wasn't her fault. I wasn't going to break up with her, she didn't do anything wrong." I'd like to point out that maybe she did. Agatha always seemed a little bored with Snow's attempts. I think she even might've had her eyes on me towards the end, which was weird to say the least. But I don't say it, because I don't want to be the reason he keeps looking like a lost puppy.

"Well, at least you've got a soulmate," I try, "The universe wants you with them for a reason." I stop myself from adding, 'the universe doesn't want you with me either. Simon gives me that sad smile again, though I think it's a little less sad this time.
"Thanks Baz."
"Anytime," I say, "So, we left off on K-characteristics."

As soon as Snow's left I grab a pen. I'm not sure exactly why this whole thing has compelled me to write to my soulmate but it's better than just laying here in self-pity I suppose. I uncap my pen and tap the end against my chin, thinking of what to write.
It wasn't a to-do list, I start, He's got a soulmate.


I feel that itchiness on my arm while I'm headed down the stairs from Baz's dorm. I'll write back once I get to my own room. For some reason, hearing that I should pursue my soulmate from Baz instead of Penny felt far more compelling. That is, if they don't go after that bloke. I don't want to be the one getting in the way of their potential relationship.
I get back to my dorm and grab a pen, rolling up my-well Baz's- sleeve. Right, I forgot that I'm wearing his jumper. I still smell like cedar and bergamot.
It wasn't a to-do list. He's got a soulmate. That's really too bad. I don't know exactly what to say, so I say the first thing that comes to my mind.
I'm sorry. I wait a moment for them to write back. They must be tapping the pen against their arm because I can feel it. Plus it leaves a little spot of ink just below my response.
It's alright. I always saw this coming, I suppose I just don't know what to do with myself now.
I suppose I know how that feels, I write. And then I let myself laugh a little, though I know my soulmate can't hear it.
What do you mean? They ask.
I think both of our relationships were ruined by the whole soulmate thing. Now we have each other, but neither of us know what to do about anything anymore. I'm not sure why I'm telling them this, or while I'm smiling while I write it.
That sounds perfect.
How? Why? I wonder.
Because we match, they answer. I can't help but smile. I guess we do, and I guess it's nice to know I have someone who's gone through something like me. We talk for a while longer, but it's late so somewhere in our conversation I think we both must've passed out.

Sun Splashed Ink Wells (SnowBaz Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now