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Today is Snow’s twenty fourth birthday. (Or we assume it is, at least. We guessed.) He, Bunce and I graduated two years ago then the two of them got a flat together. I lived in my own flat til my lease was up, then officially moved in with Simon and Bunce. I practically lived here already, I haunted their door day and night. I’m getting ready for Simon’s birthday picnic. He’s not comfortable in fancy restaurants, so we’ve resorted to celebrating this way every year. I like it, and I think SImon does too. This year is a little different, though. I finish buttoning my shirt-I started wearing a lot of floral after we graduated-and slide open my bathroom drawer. This was the safest place, Snow never goes in the drawer. He knows I hate it when he messes with my toiletries. I dig under my comb and hair product, producing a small black box, and slide it into my pocket. 

    Bunce us in the other room tidying Snow up for the night. Nothing too fancy, but she insisted he look nice for the occasion. She’s been in on the plan for months, so have my family. My father did come around. He called me a month after Christmas to apologize. Apparently Mordelia caught wind of what was really going on and decided to knock some sense into him. Literally. As soon as she found out she marched into father’s office and slapped him right across the face. I raised her well. Anyways, her and Daphne talked to him. He called me later that day to say he would try his best to learn, and to invite Simon and I back for spring break. We went, and it was a bit awkward, but overall it helped smooth things over. 

Anyway I’ve been so anxious about tonight that Bunce has had to keep me from slipping up a couple of times. I head out of the bathroom to find Simon sitting on the floor while Bunce hangs over him on the couch fussing with his curls. It’s no use really, Simon Snow’s hair will never cooperate the way you want it to. I love it.
    “Are we ready?” I ask. Crowley I’m shaking. I didn’t realize I’d be this nervous. You’d think after being with Snow for four years I wouldn’t be. Bunce lets out a strangled noise of frustration and Simon stands up.
    “It’s good enough, Penny,” he laughs, messing with a few of his curls.
    “Suit yourself,” Bunce surrenders. She hops up and follows us out the door. 

    I’m driving us out to the countryside, by the foothills. It’s where we all went to celebrate after graduation. Bunce, Simon, and I of course. In our junior year we also met Penny’s current boyfriend, Shephard, he came along. So did Agatha. She and Snow made up after Crhistmas and she came out with us to say goodbye before leaving for California. We’ve kept in touch with her, especially Penelope. We’re almost to the park when Simon slides his hand onto mine on the gearshift.
    “Hey, you seem off. Is something wrong?” Fuck. I’m still shaking and my face is red. I’m letting my nerves show. I look over and give Snow one of my rare smiles.
    “I’m fine Snow,” It’s not really a lie. I’m more excited than anything. I just have to hold out until the time is right. Bunce shoots me a swift thumbs up from the back seat. I mean, I am nervous. Of course I’m nervous. Even though I’m sure he’ll say yes. But what if he doesn’t? Crowley what if he says no? Does Snow even want to get married? Ever? Maybe I didn’t think this through. How the hell did I not think this through. Before I can think anything else we’re already pulling off into the park.

    Everything is the same. The long stretch of grass that’s practically glowing in the light of the afternoon sun. The foothills stretching off into mountains in the distance. The old oak tree with a beat up tire swing, that’s where we have our picnic every year. It’s perfect. I sigh and look over at Simon. He’s smiling at me. Merlin and Morgana that smile never fails to make my heart flutter, no matter how long it’s been. Something about this tells me everything is going to be fine. Simon Snow is my soulmate, he’s my sun.

    The three of us climb out of the silver Volvo and make our way down the hill to the oak tree. I lay out a blanket and Bunce starts unpacking the basket of food. It’s our tradition never to Snow carry anything. Bunce pulls out two trays of sour cherry scones first and Simon is already wolfing them down before we’ve finished setting up. We talk for a bit, until we’ve finished off the scones. Mostly Simon. We’ve only been at the park for half an hour when Bunce glances up at the sky. Then she takes my arm and smirks at me. I look up and see the sun is starting to set. It’s time.

    I stand up and brush the crumbs off myself, then hold a hand out to Simon. He’s watching me curiously.
    “Walk with me, love?” I ask and he nods, pushing himself up from the blanket.
    “We’ll be right back,” I tell Bunce, even though I know she’s going to follow us. Snow takes my hand and we set off down the trail towards the foothills. As we walk, Snow’s charm clinks gently against mine. I got him a bracelet for graduation, a black string with a golden sun charm on it.
    “Now we match,” I’d said to Snow, who shook his head firmly.
    “We’re opposites,” he held up my arm with its bracelet and compared it to his own, “I love it,” he declared.
    “I love you.” That was the first time I told him directly. We’d been together for two years, yet somehow neither of us had said it before. Even though I’ve been in love with him since high school.
    “I love you too, you bloody vampire,” he laughed. Then he kissed me, and it was one of the best kisses I’d ever gotten from him.

    We reach the edge of the feild and I stop, letting Simon look at me in confusion for a moment. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back.
    “Why did we stop?” he whispers. I open my mouth and fumble for a second, sifting through all the things I want to say for this moment.
    “Simon, you’re my entire world,” I begin, “You’ve been my sun since the day we met, and I was crashing into you. I used to think it would all end in flames. Then I-” I let out a shaky breath then continue, “Then we found out we were soulmates.” Snow still looks confused, but happy. I don;t think he gets where I’m going with this yet. That’s alright, he will in a second. I let go of his hand and kneel down, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the little black box. Simon is so stunned he actually stumbled backward, then catches himself and nods for me to keep going. I laugh, mostly out of nerves, and pick up my speech.
    “Simon Snow, you are my sun and the orbit that keeps me balanced even when everything is falling apart. You’re my chosen one. What I’m trying to say is, will you marry this love-struck vampire?” It’s cheesy but I knew he would like it. 

Simon is standing like you see in every proposal video, with both his hands covering his mouth and blinking back tears. He starts nodding before he’s able to speak. That’s enough for me. I rush up and crash my lips into his. He cups my cheeks in his hands but pulls away all too quickly.
“Yes, oh my God, yes,” he chokes out before shoving his face back into mine. We’re interrupted by two voices whooping and cheering. I don’t really care, I’m more focused on kissing Simon. When we finally do pull away I glance over to see Penelope and Shephard jumping up and down and hollering. When did Shephard even get here? Simon squeezes my hand and I remember I’m still holding the box and the ring.
“Right!” Simon laughs as I fumble the box (my hands are still shaking) but I finally get the ring out. It’s gold with a small wite diamond in the centre. There’s a ray pattern engraved around it to look like a sun and on the inside How’s the haunted house been? I hope the wraiths didn’t get you. 

I hold out my hand for Simon and he places his right hand in it. I shoot him a look and he chuckles, replacing it with his left hand. Then I finally slide the ring onto his finger. Once it’s on he lurches forward to kiss me again, pulling away only to whisper, “I love you,” against my lips.
“I love you too, chosen one.”


Sun Splashed Ink Wells (SnowBaz Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now