1 - Cj, Kiss Kyler

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The boy on the cover is Kyler! GET WRECKED. and the one on the side is Cj <3



I cringed slightly at the loud, obnoxious holler Benjamin let out, "Geez, quiet the fuck down, will ya?"

He laughed, draping an arm over my shoulders like a drunk, "FRIDAY!" He hollered again, directly in my ear, "Get excited Kyler!"

"I am excited," I agreed, pushing him away from me as I stuck a finger in my bleeding ear, "But that doesn't mean you need to fuck with me hearing."

"Don't let your balls get in a twist. With all of your loud ass crazy metal people music, I'm out of the job."

I shook my head, turning down another hallway, books in hand, "Yeah well, I still expect you to buy my hearing aid."

"Yeah, yeah, duh," his focus went to a couple of guys walking down the hall who I only sort of recognized, "Shagg-ster, Mikey, D-dog, wazzup?!"

They high fived him, big smiles on their faces as they too greeted him in a loud, obnoxious way, and then continued down the hall.

"What?" He asked, catching me as I watched him with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," I excused, rolling my eyes, "It's just that I never realized how much of a douche bag you and some of the people here are."

His fist collided with my arm, and he laughed at my winch, "We are not! We just know how to be, cool."

"Cool," I repeated in a mocking way, "I need to go do some things at my locker."

"Yeah sure, I'll see you tonight right?"

I nodded, "Just like every other Friday."

"That's my boy!" He exclaimed, patting my back harshly and then turning to leave, pointing tiny finger guns at me, "My brother's going to be home though, if that doesn't kill your vibe?"

"You know it does, Bengy," I remarked in a disappointed tone.

He perched his lips, shrugging, "Sorry man, couldn't get rid of him. But I'll make sure he doesn't bother us, okay?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that, but smiled regardless before leaving him and making my way towards where my locker was located. Maybe I was over-reacting, but I never liked it when Cj hung around; too negative. He was a pessimist, I was sure of that, and whenever he was around, the air was full of tension.

The halls were emptying pretty quickly as people went home, or to the mall, or to wherever they went on a Friday afternoon. I was literally counting down the days until school was out for summer break, and in less than two weeks, I'd be saying goodbye to text books, and hello to freedom. Part of that freedom was Benjamin and I's annual camping trip. We'd go out far into the wild and camp around, maybe meet some girls, and just do whatever the hell we wanted. His parents would give us $200 and we'd stay for a whole week out there, coming back sun burned, smelly, and half-retarded.

I hopped down the hard stairs of the school, coming to the lower level. There wasn't anyone in sight which didn't surprise me since this floor wasn't as popular as the other ones. Turning down another hall, I came to my dark blue locker, recognizing it by the long scratch carved into the metal. I didn't know how it got there but, it's honestly the only way I know which locker is mine. Placing my fingers around the metal lock, I began to spin in my code, carefully.


"Shut it, faggot!"

My head snapped around at the sound of a loud bang, a metal bang. There were 3 guys in total: two harassing, one being harassed. I leaned against my locker, watching the encounter from a distance.

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