The Seagull- A Batsis Fanfiction

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Prompt: On her day out with her four brothers, little Everly Wayne accidentally wanders off behind a seagull, and sends her family into a panic when they can't find her again.

Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Everly (Evie) Wayne*oc*

Fluff, mild angst, kidnapping

This is kinda long. I typically do OC's, and you can message me more prompts. This was inspired by another fic I read,please don't plagiarize my work....

 Thanks for reading!


"DICK GRAYSON, PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN RIGHT NOW." Bruce bellowed as he spotted him about to toss her onto the trampoline. Dick meekly complied, setting the two and a half year old down onto the floor. She tugged at his sweatpants, wondering why big Dickie put her down just before the fun part, before she turned around and spotted Bruce, arms crossed and standing just a few feet away.

"Daddy!" she squealed, brightening up immediately, waddling over to her father, arms up and giggling. Bruce picked her up with a soft smile, setting her on his shoulders, before turning back to Dick.

"How many times have I told you not to put Evie on the trampoline?" he scolded him. "She could get hurt! She's only two years old!"

"Ata hahf." Evie cut in.

Dick looked down at his feet. "I couldn't say no. Plus, Evie loves the trampoline." he replied.

It was true. The toddler was just so damn cute whenever she asked her brothers for something, tilting her head and pointing at what she wanted with the biggest smile on her face. And the trampoline was her favorite thing in the house, other than her brothers, father, Alfred and the dog.

She adored bouncing about on the trampoline, pretending she was a rocket launching, or that she was flying, but the part she loved the most was the split-second that she was suspended in the air before the extremely fun free-fall.

"Twampowim." Evie pointed at it again, before smiling down at her father. "Twampowim."

"See Dad?! How can you resist?" Dick said, gesturing to the small girl.

Bruce had to admit it, trying to resist the little munchkin's small requests were pretty hard, even for him. Whenever Alfred brought home the groceries, she'd grab the tub of ice cream (which was nearly as big as her, mind you) and wobble and waddle over to her father, two spoons in her pocket. She'd then set it down right next to his feet and give him the biggest smile, saying 'Op!' (that was her way of saying open). Then she'd go get everyone else and some more spoons, and she'd plop down right next to it, ready to feast.

Bruce sighed, booping the little one's nose, before taking her upstairs. "You've been very naughty, sugarplum." he said. "You're lucky your Daddy was there, otherwise you could've gotten hurt." He set her down in the hallway and immediately she took off towards the living room, drawn by her brother's voice.

"DEHMY!" She squealed, racing towards Damian and launching herself onto him. (Dehmy was her way of saying Damian- and refused to call him anything other than that. It was also her first word.)

Damian welcomed his half-sister's embrace willingly, kissing her forehead. "Hey there, Everly." He set aside his book, ready to give the little girl all the attention she needed.

"Up! Dehmy, up!"

Up she went onto his lap, Damian's arms still around her. He cooed at her, smiling as she threw her small little arms around his neck. Aww, he thought, but he bit his tongue, unwilling to give up the tough-guy facade.

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