Baby Batsis Saves the Day!

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PROMPT:  Baby batsis is the only remotely normal thing in the Batfam's life, but even that changes after they discover she's a polymorph during one fateful night.

CHARACTERS: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, BATSIS OC (Blair)



" THE BABY'S GONE!" Tim raced down the steps and into the kitchen, panicking, and yelling at the top of his lungs.

" WHAT?!" Everyone yelled at the same time, immediately jumping up from their seats around the breakfast bar. 

The batboys were in charge of taking care of baby Blair while Bruce was out for his company meeting and Alfred was getting groceries, and everything was going well until Tim went to check on the baby in her nursery, who'd been put to sleep nearly seven times. 

Dick immediately took charge. "Jason, Duke, take the top floors. Tim and I will look for her in the west wing of the Manor. Damian, get Titus to track her." 

Immediately everybody split up, frantic to find her before Bruce and Alfred came home.

Blair was a very troublesome baby, even if she was only 1 and a 1/2 years old. She came and went as she pleased and refused to sleep and was too damn curious about everything.

Dick checked in every nook and cranny, shouting her name, terrified for her sake. What if someone took her?

Blair, though, was oblivious to all that was going on in the Manor and was busy looking for Dada.

She stumbled on her stubby little baby feet as she waddled through the garden, looking for the front of the very, very big house. She giggled as she fell over into a patch of soft grass, the blades tickling her nose. She laid there for a few minutes, babbling to herself, before hearing a car pull up to the driveway.

She squealed, hurrying to her feet and waddling over to the side of the house. She could see the big black thing with the wheels, she could see Grandpa Alfred in the driver's seat, and she could see the door open to reveal...


She smiled at him, before stumbling and falling face first into the driveway.

"Blair!" Bruce immediately went to pick her up as she started crying at the top of her lungs.

"Oh no, Dada's here sweetie, don't cry."  Bruce gently cradled the girl into his chest as she bawled, a red mark on her forehead where she hit the pavement. As the man soothed the baby, the boys raced outside to see Blair safe and sound in Bruce's arms.

"Oh thank God." Dick exclaimed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Alfred raised an eyebrow at them, a bag of groceries in his hand.

"You lost track of a one year old child, young masters?" 

"She just disappeared!" Tim complained at Alfred's disapproving stare. "How does she even climb out of a crib three times her size? She always escapes! It's not fair!"

Blair giggled as Bruce tickled her sides, and she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck. Blair immediately forgot about the pain as Bruce kissed her forehead, and she smiled up at him with the most love-filled and innocent look on her face. 

Bruce melted, smiling back at his daughter as he entered the Manor with her in his arms. She clung to him like a sloth to a tree, blowing a kiss to the others, clapping her hands gleefully as Bruce set her on his shoulders.

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