The Intruders (Pt 2)- A Batsis Fanfic

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Warning : Angst.

You rammed your hand against the wood, trying not to panic. You heard clumps of dirt being thrown onto the box you were in, you heard the shovel clanging, and you felt hopeless.

You were going to be buried alive. 

Breathe, (Y/N), breathe.

When Talia had kidnapped you from your house a week ago, she intended on using you as a weapon. She had you in her assassin training branch near the county border, but decided to bury you nearly a mile away.

When you refused to do anything of her bidding and even your body rejected her brainwashing techniques- she deemed you useless and decided to kill you in the slowest way possible.  Asphyxiation.

Breathe (Y/N). Slowly breathe.

You though, had something up your sleeve. Literally.

You had taken a small burner phone in the crook of your elbow, but you were unsure whether or not you'd get a signal from down where you were. You bet Talia thought you wouldn't and let you be.

You struggled to move in such a cramped space, but finally the phone slipped out from its hiding spot and into your palm.

You flipped it open, and...

Nothing. You had nothing. No signal, no service, no battery. Useless.

In frustration, you threw the phone at the wall, breaking it open.

You bent your head, a tear slipping out your eye. How could you be so stupid? Your only hope was dead. And in a few hours, you were going to be as well.


Damian was a mess after the incident, and the others  weren't doing any better.

If only they had taken you seriously- you wouldn't have been taken. 

Alfred silently worked around the Manor, not talking as much as he used to. Jason spent more and more time at the firing range. Damian blamed himself and isolated himself from everyone else. 

Bruce though, would not give up on you. He relentlessly worked with Dick and Tim to find you. You were his daughter, and he knew that Talia wouldn't give you much time. Jealousy always controlled that woman.

He heard Tim's shout from upstairs. "Check this out!" Dick and Bruce raced upstairs to your room.

He had found your hologram simulation tech and had turned it on. Immediately, three hologram warriors stood at the ready.

"So that's what (Y/N) was doing in the attic for so long- she was training herself." Tim said, pride gleaming in his eyes. "She'd never listen. Maybe she bought herself a few hours."

"Maybe there'll be a clue here?" Bruce asked. He started digging through the other box filled with your archery and shooting stuff.

Damian walked into the room, eyes puffy. "What's with the screaming?" 

"Look!" Tim said, and Damian did. His eyes went slightly wide. "Woah." 

Dick was lost in thought. "Damian, do you know where she'd be? A training center somewhere?"

"There's several."

"Can't we just hit all?"

"No. There's too many people in all. You'd have to choose one, and I have no idea which one she'd be taken to."

"Where are they?"

"I already marked them out on the map in the Cave." 

Dick looked at the holograms, before waving his hand towards one's face. The hologram backed off immediately, before 'grabbing' his hand with it's own.

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