The Intruders- A Batsis Fanfiction

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PROMPT: A deadly home invader (and her crew) get into the Wayne Manor with their presence unknown until Batsis finds out and goes after them to save Alfred's life.

This is a two part oneshot.

Mild language, Batfamily x Reader Fanfic

Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne,  (Y/N) Wayne, Talia Al Ghul

(Y/N = your name)

Warning: mild swearing, possible triggers

NOTE: you invent and create things, that's your skill.

**please do not steal**


They always made sure to leave you out of their training so you wouldn't get hurt.

(Y/N) helped keep up the family persona whenever the others were out on patrol, and that's all they wanted you to do. That's all they needed you to do. They would not risk your life for the means of justice. You were the only normal thing tethering them to the ground, and they loved you too much to let you join the vigilante life.

But (Y/N) Wayne always found a way. You were anything but compliant. You were born with a rebellious spirit, and that spirit stayed throughout the many years that you lived in the Manor. When you were a kid, whenever you refused something, you'd put up a hell of a fight to not do it. You were stubborn. That was just something you inherited from your father, but you always put it to good use against him.

So when they told you that you couldn't fight with them, you were outraged.

"Why not?" You'd asked, furrowing your eyebrows and planting your feet. "Is it because I'm a girl?"

"No, it's because you're my girl." Bruce said. "And I will not have you die at the hands of some criminal."

"What about them?" You'd gestured to your brothers. "They've already died at the hands of some criminal. Why aren't you so protective over them?"

"Because you are (Y/N) Wayne. My daughter. And I will not allow you to join us just to be killed off. I can't live with that, and none of your brothers can. Anyways,we've got enough Robins."

"What if I don't wanna be a Robin? Why don't you just teach me how to defend myself?"

"Because I know you, (Y/N) , and as soon as you learn to defend yourself, you'll go and defend others."

"That's a good thing!" You complained, enviously watching Damian and Jason spar. You wanted to be as agile as them, with their grace and viciousness as their longswords clashed against one another. It was fascinating,this deadly dance, and you wanted to master that skill, along with many others.

Unfortunately for you, the only person more stubborn than you was your father.

"No. That's the end of it." With that your father turned away, and your window of opportunity to be like your brothers, was officially closed.

But that didn't stop you, oh no it didn't. Whenever you set your mind on something, nothing could.

So you decided to learn these skills right under their noses.

To help with your aim when firing anything, you took archery in school and made it to city championships. Not only that, but you went to laser-tag and paintball with your friends over and over to get the hang of shooting.

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