Flight 909-Pt 2

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Watch out, it's kinda angsty...


The beeping of the heart monitor was what woke her up.

She groaned, stirring awake, a terrible throb in her side, and her eyes fluttered open. She blinked away the blurriness, before everything around her came into focus. White walls, an IV drip, the pale-blue tiled floor, the drab view outside the grilled window...

She was at Gotham General's ICU.

With a piteous whimper, she pushed herself up into a seated position, which immediately alerted the people in the chairs next to the bed.

Conner and Jason.

How did she not see them before?

"Hey, easy there." Jason murmured, getting on his feet. "How're you feeling?"

Nyla coughed. "Horrible."

"You'll get better, don't you worry. I'll make sure they take good care of you." Jason smiled softly at her, gently touching her hand. 

Conner just stood off to the side. "Should I get Bruce?"

Before Jason could say anything, Nyla cut him off. "No. Please. I don't-" Her eyes widened as she realized.  "The others- the others, Officer Jorge- are they oka-"

"Nyla, relax. There was only two deaths, and Officer Jorge was discharged yesterday." Conner cut in. "You saved everyone else. Your idea saved them."

She shifted her weight to her left to ease the pain in her side, and was quietly talking to Conner about the conditions of the other passengers when the door burst open.

"Nyla?" Bruce cried out, panting as he caught his breath. Damian was right behind him, along with Dick and Alfred. They entered the room, and Nyla suddenly wished she was still knocked out.

 At least then she wouldn't have to deal with them. 

Jason immediately turned to them, stiffer than ever. 

"Leave. She doesn't want to see you."  Jason spat at Bruce, eyes flashing with anger. It was Bruce's fault Nyla was on that plane in the first place. It was Bruce's fault Nyla left with the Kents. It was Bruce's fault she was now in a hospital bed with a broken arm, burned back and stab wound. Jason blamed Bruce for everything.

"Miss Nyla, is this true? We can come back later..."  Alfred asked softly.

"You can stay." She mumbled, not wanting to cause more of a scene. She felt Conner awkwardly leave to go sit in a chair as the others surrounded her bed.

Bruce looked over at her small form, at her labored breaths, at her increased heart rate, and he sighed. "You feeling better?" he simply asked, searching her face for any sign of resentment. 

Nyla turned away, not willing to look her father in the eye. She braced herself for the earful, for the harsh scolding, for the 'I-hate-you' to finally fall from his lips. With another beep, her pressure went up just a tad bit more.

"Nyla?" Damian asked, trying to break through to her. "Nyla, can you please answer?" Brotherly concern laced his voice, and it was that concern that was the last straw for her. 


Because that brotherly concern was never  there before.

"I feel like garbage, okay?" She spat at her twin, still angry at him for forgetting she existed. For forgetting everything she had ever done for her. For ignoring her and only using her to his advantage. 

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