Brides and Cologne- Batmom Fanfic

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PROMPT:  Bruce Wayne meets the love of his life when she crashes his charity gala with her friends, and then tries to win her over. Cue a lot of pining , a confused and wary Y/N, and some questionable choices by Bruce.



- (Future Batmom)  Y/N L/N, Comedian from the Narrows

-Bruce Wayne

This is gonna be long. I just started adding Batmom fanfics in here. This one has innuendo, hehe.

E/C- eye color

F/C- favorite color

Note, all of my fanfics are UNEDITED, and this one in particular is HELLA long. Deal with it <3.


Bruce stared at your sleeping form pressed up against his chest, wondering how he managed to score such a wonderful person like you.

Your face was smushed in the pillows, and you were probably drooling, your hair a tangled mess, but you still were the most beautiful person in the whole world, and he loved every part of your body and soul.

Ever since his eyes fell on you and your aura, he knew that you were the one. Even if you didn't know it yet, even if you thought Bruce Wayne was stupid and Batman was too kinky (you were very right about that, but you were super into it ;) ), even if you thought he was just another guy trying to get into your pants- Bruce still wanted you so bad and would give up anything to be by your side.

But first you had to be willing. You didn't give yourself up to him without a fight, oh no, you played extremely hard to get. You needed to know if the Bruce Wayne was toying with your heart, if he was worthy of having it in the first place. You weren't gonna be another tally to add to his body count, you weren't gonna be just another woman under his sheets. You weren't going to be a part of his playboy persona, oh hell nah. Your heart was not gonna take that.

But boy, was he glad he persevered. He was so glad he didn't give up on you. 

Because now that you were all his, he was the happiest man on planet Earth. Even after everything he went through, all the people he lost and the thousands of times he felt like the world was suffocating him under its grip,  you somehow managed to patch up the broken man in such a way he'd never be as broken as he was before, ever again.

You were stirring up from your sleep now, your face adorably scrunching up and your body stretching as consciousness flowed through your veins. 

"Mmghhmgmhhhmmm..." You grumbled, the sun being too damn bright, stabbing rays of that stupid light into your sleep-sensitive eyes and you scowled first thing in the morning, forgetting everything around you as you melted into a grumpy state. You wanted to fist fight the stupid flaming ball of gas in the sky and punch it in the face and kick its nuts and strip out its-

"Morning, my love." Bruce smirked down at you as you mindlessly muttered under your breath, taking amusement in the fact that you wanted to blow up the very thing responsible for thriving life, just because it was too damn bright. He had learned to decode your grumbles in the morning, and now they were one of the highest forms of entertainment he knew. 

And his heart fluttered as your scowl immediately disappeared at the sound of his voice, being replaced with a lazy half smile, as you remembered exactly where you were. Love flicked through your eyes, and Bruce felt a zoo in his stomach just go insane as you turned over to him, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

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