Get Pitch Slapped ;)

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Also, I heard your wish for another Baby Batsis ff with Blair and it sounds great- but I have zero ideas for that rn so take this instead :) send me prompts if yall find any cool ones!

PROMPT: Basically let's slot in our Batsis into a  modified Pitch Perfect-esque situation:)

***I will be switching up plot points just for the sake of story so this ff will not directly follow the trilogy's plotline ***

CHARACTERS: Bruce Wayne, BATBOYS, Alfred, Indigo (Indy ) Trelyss-Wayne (Batsis OC), a  along with Beca, Aubrey, Fat Amy ,Chloe etc in the acappella singing group

SONG: SSLP by Daya (Sit Still Look Pretty)

(i know the OG Bellas did not perform this but imagine if they did, I WANT TO SEE FAT AMY WEARING THAT SPARKLY OUTFIT SO THAT IS WHY IMMA INCORPORATE IT)

This is gonna be a sh*tty ff but whatever.

⚠Some swears, big deal.


Let's just say, Indigo Trelyss-Wayne was a handful.

She herself wasn't the problem, oh no, Indy was an angel. She was kind, intelligent, sassy, loving, loyal, and the best unpaid therapist/sister they could ever ask for. The Batfam loved her- she was the only non-vigilante in their life (though she was trained extensively, she was Bruce's daughter anyways...)- and therefore Bruce and the boys  always went out of their way to ensure her safety.

And many of the times they checked up on her, they ended up with a situation on their hands.

No, Indy rarely had run ins with criminals, or anyone wishing to mean her pure harm, thanks to her protective family. (And the vitals tracker Bruce kept on her....)

Indy's problems came from her looks.

 Because that girl was abso-f*cking-lutely gorgeous.

Named after her vibrant violet-blue irises, ever since this girl hit her teenage years and got her final glow-up, men of all ages would gawk at her as she sauntered past them on the street. Smooth curves, rosy lips, olive skin with an enchanting gold undertone, honey blond hair with streaks of cocoa- she was a sight for sore eyes.

Boys and girls alike started falling for her. 

Random teens would come up to the manor doors with bouquets of roses or daisies or whatever flower they could salvage and ask to borrow Indigo for a date.

The boys would let Indy handle the people with a soft rejection, but they would lean against the doorframe with a murderous gleam in their eyes, watching the boy or girl like a hawk to see if they even dared to harm her. Damian would even stand there, sharpening a knife, while Jason would crack his knuckles and loom over the scene like a demonic shadow.

Long story short, sending Indy off to university  was a real worry for the boys, even Alfred.

How would they make sure she could handle boy/girl troubles?

"You're gonna be okay?" Dick asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I can handle myself. I snapped your wrist once, didn't I? I can take care of myself."  Indy rolled her eyes as she packed the limo with her luggage.

"If anyone tries anything, just tell them that I'll slaughter them and stake their heads."

"Damian, no."

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