Singing Canary

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PROMPT: Itty bitty batsis seems to be the only slightly normal thing in their lives, until one fateful night they discover her incredible talent that brings the roof down.

CHARACTERS: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd,  Tim Drake, Titus, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Kinsley Wayne ( 4- year-old).

No warnings, please do not plagiarize, though you can use this to inspire your own little oneshot!


Damian burst into little Kinsley's room, startling the little four year old from her spot on the bed and onto the floor.


Damian watched to see if she was injured, but she popped right back up, as fresh as a daisy. Kinsley's face was guilty, looking down as Damian inspected the mess she made. 

There were tennis balls with scraggly smiley faces drawn over them all around the bed along with her collection of stuffed animals, the window had a glittery pink paper taped to it, there were chocolates on the nightstand and  purple streamers were everywhere. Kinsley herself was a mess, covered with glitter and holding the spatula that Alfred lost a week ago. Damian planted his hands on his hips.

"Kinsley, what were you doing?"

"Playing." She gave him a cheeky grin.

"Then where was all the music coming from?" Damian asked her, looking her up and down, an eyebrow raised.

" Miss Tiger wanted to listen to some music..." Kinsley picked up her favorite stuffy, an orange tiger that Alfred had given to her on her third birthday. Damian sighed amusedly, before scooping her up. 

"Who's gonna clean up your mess?"

"Miss Tiger will. She said so herself." Kinsley patted Damian's cheek, her small hand dwarfed by his larger one.

"Oh, no, Miss Tiger won't. You will. And give Alfred his spatula back."Damian set her down again.

"Fineeee." Kinsley said, beginning to gather up her stuffies. Damian leaned against the doorframe, making sure she wouldn't hurt herself (because really, this girl was so accident prone), before finally leaving to go downstairs to train.


Kinsley Wayne was a handful. It was as plain as that.

Ever since she could crawl, the kid had been a bundle of energy and surprises and mischief and smiles and cuteness... and screaming.

Boy, could that girl scream. 

Typically, it came in handy- like the time a robber tried to enter the Manor and Kinsley, who was playing by the window, screeched so loud Alfred nearly went deaf, or the time the family was at the  Winter gala and a nosy reporter tried to pick her up after calling her 'the only innocent little cutie in the family' (even at her young age, she somehow knew and hated it when people insulted her family), and Kinsley let out a bloodcurdling scream straight into his face.

 (His reaction was priceless, and as soon as the reporter dropped the human megaphone she went scampering back to her daddy with a hiss in his direction).

And other times, it was strange. She was like a canary (but backwards). Whenever she sensed something off, she'd scream.

 It was strange how she knew or sensed something before the others, something hidden in a person that the others could never find out, and Kinsley either put on a screaming fit or a behind-the-scenes caper (like putting dirt or glue in the person's drink, or continuously kicking them and diving out of the way when they turned around, etc).

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