fourteen : wren's interlude

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"You ready?" Oliver and I arrive outside my apartments in Seattle, my nerves getting worse about Cedric

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"You ready?" Oliver and I arrive outside my apartments in Seattle, my nerves getting worse about Cedric. I gulp and nod at him, worried about if he might be in danger too. Maybe it's not that bad.

I stand nervously looking up at my balcony before we decide to leave the sticky air behind us. We get onto the elevator and go up to my floor.

As soon as it opens I notice my lock is busted, paint and caulking smudged on the outside as a loose bandaid. What a great welcome home. I rush to grab the key out of my bag, dragging our luggage to the door. "Did he do this?" I nodded, staying silent as my heart began to beat faster.

The door gives in to reveal my furniture and clothes scattered across the living room. My fridge had been open and leaking for God knows how long. I drop everything in my hands, going into my bedroom to see my curtains ripped. Everything had been tossed over or thrown off.

Oliver followed behind me, gasping at the condition of my apartment. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I sigh as tears start to build in my eyes. The chain burning a hole in my pocket suddenly feels unimportant, undesirable. Oliver grabs me, pulling me in for a hug as tears begin to stream down my face.

"It's okay." He whispers, brushing his fingers softly against the back of my head. "I'll start to clean up, okay?" I nod my head, reaching up to wipe my eyes. I can't believe his crazy ass actually tore through my whole entire apartment. He pats my shoulder before going into the living room to start. He's going to fucking pay for this.

I stand in my room, still staring at my blankets trampled on the floor with the pages of my journal. I took my phone out of my back pocket dialing Nicole's number. "Hey Nicole, I just got back to Seattle. He.. yeah I saw my apartment. Thanks for letting me know."

"Oh my gosh, Wren. I'm so glad. I know my heart was broken for you... I'm gonna come visit you later tonight with ice cream and moscato." That sounds like a dream. I glance over at Oliver realizing I left out a couple of details.

"About that... I have someone staying over. You're welcome to come, just letting you know." Pacing back and forth in my room, I shake my leg to try and get rid of the anxiety.

"Wow girl, back at it so soon I see." I crack a tiny smile.

"No, it's not like that." I look over at Oliver sorting through my books and arranging them back on the shelf. "He's different."

She laughs loudly over the phone, taking a second to catch her breath making me giggle. "Whatever you say, girl. That's what you always say. I love you W. Pleaseee stay safe I'll see you tonight."

"I love you too. See you Nickii." I hang up the phone feeling slightly relieved. At least I still have my friends in Seattle that have my back.

I watch Oliver for a moment, admiring his care for the items in my place. After letting myself breath, I bring our luggage into my room and start reorganizing my bed. Throwing almost all of my clothes into the washing machine after scrubbing spoiled milk off of the kitchen floor. He left my apartment a wreck. Food was sprinkled along the surfaces and stuck in the fibers of the carpet.

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