twenty-six : wren, the renaissance thief

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get ready for a read. thank you all. sincerely. welcome to the end... or the beginning. TYFFWM.

Tristan runs up behind me, pulling my hair into his fist behind me

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Tristan runs up behind me, pulling my hair into his fist behind me. "Wr.." I continue throwing up, purging what feels like months of wasted energy. I would have never taken him with me... I would have never went that far if he didn't make it seem like he was serious about me. How the fuck did I get to this point? I stop, resting my hand on the side of the bathtub and lifting my face up. Trying to wipe the tears and vomit off of my face. Tristan lets go of my hair and grabs a towel, running water over it before reaching to clean my face. "I... I can't speak for him, I honestly don't know. But I know he loved you when we went to Italy, Wren. I could look at him and just .. see it."

I take a sigh leaning backwards. "Tristan, I ruined a relationship with the only living family I have left because he made me feel like our relationship was genuine. I gave up my home in Washington, left my friends, and ran away. If it had been just me none of this would have happened. I would have killed Cedric myself and made sure he was fucking dead. I killed two people in Italy. This shit can't be for rea..." I pause letting air seep into my lungs. "Tristan I...."

"Well you didn't kill Cedric, rookie mistake but I think that makes you a better person. We're not born to be killers. Sabrina, on the other hand, is not a good fucking person and I know that because I look at your face every time you say her name. And I know you know that because every time you look at your wrist. You are the only reason I am here right now. I knew you would look out for me if I looked out for you. You did what you had to do in Italy... if only you could see the bodies I have sitting on my conscience." He looks away from me for a split second, letting his words he's never muttered aloud wash over him. "Fuck Cedric. He's a dead man walking already—I'm not like my brother. You actually don't have to worry about him with me. I have people working on it as we speak. I'm sorry he didn't tell you about the other girl... that's really fucked up. I thought he was more transparent with you but I need you to know that you can trust me, okay? The last thing I want you to do is make yourself feel worse about an already fucked up situation. We will get through this, Wren. I can promise you."

I let the tears absorb back into my eyes as I look back into his. "Tris.." He sets the towel down pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I would never lie to you." I wrap my arms around his neck, letting my worried dissolve in the toilet. Three strong knocks on the bedroom door causes us to pull apart. I rush up to flush the toilet slamming the lis before quickly washing my hands. I wiped them on my dress before looking towards Tristan who had a more distraught look on his face than earlier. "Ready?" I nod at him, pulling my sleeves over my wet fingertips. He inched out the threshold on the bathroom and lunges to open the door. A slender man with a suit on and short dreadlocks walks in, a gold hoop hanging from his nose and two from his ears. He had his hands folded in front of him, the diamond bracelet catching in the light.

"Hello T. Wren, lovely meeting you finally." He stands still in the center of the room between us. Letting us absorb his energy almost as quickly as he's observing ours. "Everything okay? You've got that fuckin' look on your face, T. This isn't the kind of job where you can have that scared ass look on your face."

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