thirteen : dinner and a flight

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"You ready?" Oliver approaches me, adjusting his jeans with a small golden bracelet on his wrist

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"You ready?" Oliver approaches me, adjusting his jeans with a small golden bracelet on his wrist. I smile at him, taking one last look in the mirror before joining arms. "Oh by the way, the flight is at midnight so we can just sleep on the way."

I nod, following him out the door and preparing myself for our first official date. My nerves were all over the place, never had I thought that me and him would actually be starting a relationship together.

He rested his body next to mine. Comfortable and strong. His hand places protectively on my lower back, guiding me towards the car and opening the door for me with a charming smile.

I tucked curls behind my eyes with a cheeky grin on my face. We sat together for a second before he leaned over and kissed me passionately on the lips. Running his fingers through my hair and forcing the space between us to be inexistent. I lean into his body, feeling the weight against my chest as we exchanged energy. His shorter hair was thick, prickly to the touch but I didn't care, I ran my finger over it repeatedly. Letting the tiny hairs prick my fingers with excitement. I realized that this was my favorite time, being with him. The tiny moments where I can feel his hot breath in my mouth, on my neck. Feel the electricity traveling from his fingertips into my scalp sending shivers down my spine every time he touched me. That's how he made me feel. I tried so deeply to ignore it but letting it build only led me to intense passion for him, a longing that I never quite understood.

A gorgeous, lush eatery with VIP and a line through the door. I clutched onto his arm in the cold, minimizing the space between us. "We don't have to go here, it's okay." I watched the women gather flirtatiously with their pea-coats and stockings. Hair flips and their husbands somber smiles.

He frowns, leading us up to the man at the front, cutting everyone else. "Thomson." He spits to the man who does not glance at his list before letting us through with a nod. "This is our night." Oliver's hands pull me tighter as we enter, showing me that nothing would be in my way of a good night.

The waitress guided us against the marble floor to a small booth tucked away from everyone else, a pink rose in the vase on the table and a letter with my name on it. "You really didn't have to do all this.." I smile, picking up the letter. It read:

Wren. Throughout the short time we've been together you've shown me true strength. After everything, the only image of you standing out in my head is in my arms on the sand. You're becoming a part of my life that I don't yet understand, but I'm starting to realize you've given me the gift of time. So much of your beautiful time. Thank you for taking

I drop it, rushing to embrace him. He laughs lightly as he hugs me back, amused because of his victory. "It's really nothing. Just some feelings." He shrugs, and I can tell it's more than I think it is.

"No, thank you." I place my hand on his face and made sure he knows I mean it this time.

He kisses me on the cheek softly, saying a few words quietly to the waitress before we sit down. I push my hair behind me, letting my nerves wash away. Oliver leans against the table across from me and peers into my eyes. "So what's else did you want to do tonight? What's the one thing you wanted to do on your visit?"

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