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I was driving down the highway, my vision blurry from the liquor and from crying. I just wanted to leave. I sped up a little, not caring where I was going. I was wasted by the time I past Colby's place. I rolled my eyes, another 15 minutes of driving. I sped up a bit, I felt the car sway.

I started to speed obviously going over the speed limit. I felt numb. I shut my eyes and opened them again. I saw a car heading towards me. I tried getting out of the lane but it was to late. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The windshield broke, glass shards hitting me. My car rolling, I hit my head on the wheel. I tried to stay awake, I heard screaming and talking. The last thing I heard before I passed out was someone yelling my name.

Jackson's pov.
"I'm leaving" I got up and started to walk to the door. Colby grabbed my arm "why the party is just starting" I rolled my eyes "I'm going to see Sam you coming or not" I looked at him.

His expression softened for a split second. Then emotionless, I sighed and turned around heading out to my car. I started it and drove down the highway heading to Sams place. I slowed down as I noticed a car accident, I then noticed it was sams car. I pulled off to the side and ran to the car. "Sam!" I yelled. I felt someone grip my arm I struggled to get out of their grasp. "That's my friend let me go" the officers pulled him out of the car. His face was covered in blood and some cuts from the glass I saw shards in his arm and his chest. I started to tear up at the scene.

I walked to my car and hopped in I followed the ambulance to the hospital. I needed to make sure he was okay. As I pulled up to the hospital I quickly parked and turned off my car.

A few hours have passed. A nurse walked in to the waiting room. "Sam golbach?" I stood up immediately. "Is he okay?" I asked the nurse. She smiled at me. "Yes he is fine thankfully he will be sore for the next few days he has some cuts that we had to stitch up so maybe he should take it easy." I nodded and thanked her. I may have had a rough past with Sam but I still cared for him. "May I go see him?" She smiled and nodded. I thanked her and went to his room. I saw that he was sleeping, he had a black eye and a few stitches on his chest and one by his ear.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach looking at him. I went on my phone and played some soft music. The room was quiet besides the music, the beeping machines, and Sams breathing. I heard a knock on the door I looked up it was jack? What was he doing here? He sat down. I avoided his gaze. "How is he?" I was shocked. "Uh he's okay" he nodded and sat there just looking straight forward at Sam. "Colby's gone." I looked over. "What, what do you mean Colby's gone" He shifted his gaze over to me. "He said he was leaving the party I went over to his place he wasn't there either." I nodded.

Gone? Where the hell would he go.

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