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Date Published: April 14, 2020


"Welcome back to Japan," the person at customs greeted you.

Excitedly, you walked over to baggage claim and looked for your suitcase. It's been around 2 years since you've been back in Japan, meaning it's been two years since you've seen Haruhi and your dad. You were honestly eager to surprise them since you weren't supposed to come back till next school year but you wanted to start high school with Haruhi, plus you missed them a lot.

Your suitcase finally made its way to you as you grabbed it off of the conveyer belt, turning around without thinking about it. You were instantly stopped by a hard surface and a gasp.

"I'm so sorry," you looked up at who you bumped into and saw an attractive guy peering down at you.

"It's my fault for bumping into someone as lovely as yourself," the boy smiled, though it looked a little forced.

You slowly backed away, a little confused at his comment. Either he was flirting, or he's way too nice. Brushing yourself off, you send the guy a small smile. "Sorry again, I'll be on my way."


You weren't going to lie to yourself, you were a little embarrassed after bumping into someone so attractive, but you had people to surprise. Whatever, it's not like those thoughts matter. You couldn't help but overthink it though since you were doing nothing but standing and waiting for a taxi to notice you. You were about to pull out your phone, which luckily already had your old sim card in it, but you were knocked onto the ground.

"Pardon me, but you should watch where you're standing," a somewhat familiar voice said.

Not even looking up, you instantly replied. "Shut up, you're the one who bumped into me. Watch where you're going."

You got yourself up and glared at the person, recognizing him as the guy you bumped into earlier.

"My, my, what happened to the polite person that bumped into me earlier," he responded sarcastically.

Opting to ignore him, you rolled your eyes and waved to an upcoming taxi. You could tell that your lack of response annoyed him, but you could honestly care less at this point. You miss Haruhi and your dad, you're jetlagged, and you really could go for some food. The parked alongside the sidewalk you stood on and honked at you, signaling for you to get inside.

"I don't know who you are, and honestly I don't care. Watch where you're going next time."


Memories flooded through you as you got out of the taxi, the view of your apartment complex kind of overwhelming you. You were a little scared since you don't know how they'll react, especially since you didn't announce you were coming back, but you didn't have time to think about it as the night's breeze made you shiver. Letting out a small sigh, you made your way up the steps and to your family's small apartment.

"I swear. They better be home," you muttered as you knocked on the door.

"Haaaaaaaruhi, get the door for Daddy won't you?"

You let out a small chuckle hearing your dad, your excitement now growing tenfold. You hear Haruhi unlock the door and open it slightly, the creaking noise being the same one you remembered.

"Hurry up Haru."

"Y/n? No way, you're back," the door suddenly swung open and you were embraced.

"Yeah," you let out a small laugh and returned the embrace, "I'm finally back."

Haruhi let go of you and rushed you into the living room, closing and locking the door right behind her. She took a good look at you and smiled, you mimicking her.

"Your hair! What happened," you asked her. You didn't think her haircut looked bad though.

Haruhi just shrugged and explained how the neighbor's kids got gum stuck in her hair. You honestly weren't surprised that she would choose to chop it all off instead of just getting the gum out. She never put much thought into how she looked and often went with whatever was the easiest and most manageable, except with school. You were honestly glad she was still the same. After all, middle school could change you. You guys happily chatted for about 5 minutes before you guys were interrupted by your dad's voice.

"Haruhi dear, who was at the door," he peaked his head into the room. Letting out a shriek, he ran over and hugged you. "Y/n, tell Daddy this isn't a joke and that you're really here."

"Hey Dad," you quickly hugged him.

He spun you around as he hugged you, a smile on his face. You were getting a little dizzy but recorded not to say anything as you know how emotional your dad got. Haruhi was laughing at you from a little ways away, backing up as soon as she saw him rushing towards you. Your dad suddenly stopped and put you down next to Haruhi.

"My baby Y/n. You can never leave Daddy for that long again! You too Haruhi."

"I didn't even leave," Haruhi quietly sighed to herself.

Today surely was an eventful day for you. You were still a little upset about the guy you bumped into, well he bumped into you too but that's beside the point. That didn't matter though, it's not like you would see him again. Besides, you're back home now and that's what matters. You looked over to your Dad who was suddenly rubbing his cheek against Haruhi, something about making sure she got affection too. As weird as it was, you wouldn't trade them for the world.

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