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A/n: This scenario was so hard to write for some reason??? The cheek-kissing scenarios were way too difficult for no reason. This is pretty short oops <3 (PSA: I'm changing the updating schedule to every 5 days so I can work on my oneshots book more !!)

Date Published: May 19, 2020


"I'm not putting that on," you sighed as the twins and Tamaki shoved the dress towards you again.

Tamaki decided that the club would be having a butler/maid cafe them for the day and that meant everyone had to dress the part. Everyone in the host club, excluding you, was dressed in a black suit with a black tie, along with a pair of white gloves. You, however, chose to not get dressed in your outfit once you saw what it was.

"You would look so cute in it," Tamaki hugged you and rubbed his cheek against yours.

"I'm not wearing a maid outfit," you huffed and pushed Tamaki away from you.

"Y/n," Kyoya spoke up, "It's apart of the theme, and you are required to dress accordingly  as a hostess."

"Okay," everyone looked at you shocked, thinking you agreed, "I quit for today."

"I don't think you can quit for a day," the twins said in unison.

"Okay, I quit for a week."

Haruhi tried stepping in as she realized the clients would be here soon, "Y/n you know that's not what they meant."

"Okay, I'll quit forever."

"Forever? N/n-chan," Honey clung onto your leg, "I don't want you to go! Me and Usa-chan will miss you! I think you'll look cute in the dress too."

You gently pushed the short blonde away from you, hearing Tamaki's wines about how you're not being a cute daughter. There was absolutely no way you're wearing something as embarrassing as that.

"We can't allow for that Y/n," Kyoya pushed up his glasses and walked closer to you, "We have clients who have already booked an appointment with you. I'm afraid you'll have to stay."

"I'm not in debt like Haruhi," you retaliated.

"Thanks," Haruhi sweatdropped.

You send Haruhi and aloof smile, "Sorry but I can't change facts."

The host club soon surrounded you, trying to convince you to wear the outfit. Kyoya was standing in front of you, glancing at your flustered expression as everyone tried to convince you to wear it. Everyone being everyone other than himself and Mori. Even Haruhi tried convincing you since she was tired of hearing the twins and Tamaki complain. However, you refused to cooperate and continued arguing about it.

"I don't want to wear this! It's so embarrassing. You guys can't complain since you're wearing suits. Plus you guys call all the girls weird pet names like princess anyways! I don't do that," you continued pushing the twins away from you, "I don't want to call them 'master' either! Just give it up already, I'm not wearing the maid-"

Kyoya quickly leaned over and gave you a quick peck to the cheek, effectively shutting you up, "The clients will be here soon, go get changed."

The host club was shocked as you meekly nodded your head and robotically walked back into the dressing room. Kyoya simply stood up and straightened his tie, ignoring the looks the others were giving him.

"Did Kyoya-senpai just," Kaoru whispered.

Whispering, Hikaru finished his sentence, "Publically show affection?"


"You did well today," Kyoya suddenly appeared next to you, quickly making you flustered, "The majority of Ouran's male population attended this event."

You just nodded at him and turned to walk towards the dressing room, trying to escape his gaze. All throughout the club today, you avoided looking or interacting with him out of embarrassment. You were also too embarrassed you properly speak to anyone, which worked in your favor as the soft type host.

"Man, Y/n is whipped for Kyoya-senpai," the twins spoke as the host club saw you walk away.

Tamaki clung onto Haruhi as he was practically sobbing, "My daughter is all grown up, she won't want Daddy to be around anymore."

"You guys should see her with anime characters," Haruhi sighed.

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