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A/n: they'll get together next chapter I swear! there will be more scenarios that aren't based on episodes after as well! I just really like ep2 and ep3 for the blushing scenarios (we're so close to 1k ahh <allofyouguys3)

Date Published: April 29, 2020


"Y/n," you hear Tamaki yell at you from where he was sitting.

You let out a sigh as you sent a small apology to Honey and Mori, who you were engaged in conversation with. However, they both let out a nod of understanding at Tamaki's antics and also got up to go see the commotion.

"Don't you want to be girlier? And don't you want Haruhi to be girly," he cried and latched onto you as soon as you stood beside him.

Oh, so that's what this was about. Tamaki occasionally brought up how cute you and Haruhi were in middle school, which you had basically no idea how he got the photos. Probably convinced Kyoya to find them, but that was beside the point. You knew how much he wished you guys acted like proper females, well at least for a day. He always told you that you were laid back and that you're too mischievous, although he blamed the twins for it. With Haruhi, however, he wanted to see her with long hair. You had a small suspicion that Tamaki liked her but was too dense to properly show it.

"Haruhi," you looked towards your twin who seemed exhausted just standing in the same room with everyone, "do you want to be more girly?"

"No," she answered plainly.

"See? We're good," you removed yourself from Tamaki's grasp.

"You don't have to rush them, well at least Haruhi. She'll be found out. Remember? The day after tomorrow we have our physical exams," Hikaru and Kaoru spoke up.

"Physical exams," you and Haruhi asked in unison.

"Look at those nasty twins rubbing off on my daughters," Tamaki dramatically cried, now attaching himself to Kyoya.

You let out a small laugh and looked towards Haruhi who gave a smile in return. There was no way she would be able to hide the fact that she was a girl from the doctors.


It took Kyoya a good 10 minutes to pry Tamaki away from him and stop his cries about Hikaru and Kaoru ruining you and Haruhi. Even then, he laid himself on a couch and covered his eyes with his arms. He hasn't spoken to you all for a while, it was getting a little concerning.

"Tamaki," you slowly approached him, "Are you okay?"

"Y/n can't you see, he looks miserable," Hikaru spoke up.

Tamaki shot up from the couch as if he wasn't moping around, "Don't be so cynical Hikaru. Everything is going according to plan! This is how this starts, with your jealousy. This has always been a school love comedy anime after all."

You all shared worried glances, thinking Tamaki hit his head or something along those lines. You all knew of Tamaki's large imagination but this was a little much, even for him.

"Haruhi and I are clearly the necessary components of this anime," Tamaki whisked around the room.

"Kyo-chan and N/n-chan seem like better fits," Honey suddenly spoke up.

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