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A/n: This one is a long one :0 My heart went through a rollercoaster of emotions writing this ahahaa I'm not in pain, you are. Also, this one is pretty long cause it's based on an episode oop-

Date Published: May 24, 2020


"Didn't you two know? The rental fee on the kimonos you two are wearing is nothing to sneeze at," Kyoya smiled at the two of you.

"He's like some kind of heartless tax collector," Haruhi whispered to you.

"I-I'm in debt now," you sighed as you leaned your head on Haruhi, "That means they have leverage on me too."

"Hello Kyoya, I can't get over how good you look in that kimono. Are you planning to release any more picture books of the Host Club," a girl sat down near him and asked.

You could see your clients look over as well, as there hasn't been anything sold of you yet. Kyoya looked up from writing, which you're convinced he always does, and gave the girls his host smile.

"Unfortunately we don't have anything planned at present," Kyoya gave a gentle smile as the girls and guys around you all sighed.

You watched as the two twins appeared from behind Kyoya and pester him about pictures, unable to hear their conversation. You saw Kyoya's face drop for a second before he pushed up his glasses and brought out his calculator, crunching in numbers.

"If it wasn't for Kyoya," Haru trailed off.

"The club would become bankrupt," you finished her statement before looking over at her shocked, "We do the twin thing too! Except ours aren't as often."

You and Haruhi laughed quietly as Honey walked over to you guys, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Haru-chan, N/n-chan. I don't know how but I lost one of my sandals," Honey started crying.

You both walked over to the shorter male and tried to help, not wanting to see him cry.

"You were just wearing them," Haruhi questioned, "Weren't you?"

"When did you notice," you wiped his tears and heard the guys around you shout in joy.

"Y/n would make such a good mother!"

"Well played Honey-senpai, but I'm getting her attention next time."

"I wish I was in his position."

You let out a small sigh and quickly waved to the boys, hearing Mori walk over. You and Haruhi were currently on a break, although the guys still stayed in the host club and waited. Even when you were on break, you would still interact with your clients which would sometimes upset Kyoya since he believes that they need to pay for every moment.

"Mitsukuni," Mori got on one knee and lifted Honey's foot, putting his missing sandal back on him.


"I noticed that you dropped it," was all the man replied.

Honey wrapped his arms around Mori and let out tears of joy, "Takashi!"

"Is it just me," you whispered to Haruhi as you two backed away, "Or are they crying a lot today?"

"They are, but how are they all able to cry so easily," Haruhi pondered at your statement.

As you two were backing away from the scene, you two bumped into the twins, knocking eye drops out of their kimono sleeves.

"Are you guys really unable to cry on command," you laughed as you and Haruhi picked up the eye drops.

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