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A/n: Not to be NSFW but I would let him h*ld my h*nd whenever he wanted 😳this is heavily based on something that happened with me and my cr*sh but they actually talk about it instead of just not bringing it up- oops please never find this

Published: May 8, 2020


"Are we actually just going to watch a movie," Haruhi deadpanned as the two of you walked into the music room.

"When did we even get a TV," you muttered as Tamaki excitedly ran over and hugged you two.

"Daddy thinks this is a good bonding activity for our little family," he started saying, starting to mumble about how cute it would be to bond with each other.

You escaped his grasp and looked towards everyone else, seeing them excitedly speaking to each other on the couch with the exception of Mori and Kyoya. Tamaki has spoken to you about his childhood, well lack of one. You could tell that he never got to experience something like this with how excited he was, you could almost guarantee none of them had except for the twins. They all grew up with something expected of them, meaning having a chance to relax and spend time with each other would be a new experience for them.

"Let's do it," you shrugged and walked over to the couch, "It sounds fun and it'll be nice to not flirt with guys for a day."

Haruhi sighed, knowing she can't get out of this if you agree with them. You saw her walk over as you took the seat near Kyoya who was on the edge of the couch, Kaoru sitting to your right. Kyoya stopped writing in his book to look at you but just turned to his book again. Sometimes you get tempted to steal it to see what it says but you value your life more, also because he could raise Haruhi's debt because of you.

"Alright! What type of movie should we watch," Tamaki spoke up from the other side of the cough, Haruhi sitting next to him.

"Something cute," Honey called out, hugging Usa-chan.

"That's boring," Hikaru groaned.

"Yeah! We need something scary like a horror movie," Kaoru agreed.

"A horror movie," Tamaki asked, fear lacing his words.

Out of all the hosts, Tamaki was definitely the easiest to scare. Most people thought it was Honey, but even Honey could handle watching horror if you guys were there. However, Tamaki would get scared by even mentioning a ghost or supernatural creature. You remembered talking about ancient myths is history and Tamaki wouldn't let go of you and Kyoya, scared that the myths were real. If Tamaki ever got one of those horror chain messages, you knew he would send them to other people as fast as he could.

"Are you scared boss," the twins taunted him.

"I simply don't want for my lovely daughters to be scared!"

"I actually don't mind," Haruhi spoke up.

The attention was now on you. You honestly didn't mind horror movies and became basically desensitized since you and Haruhi used to stay up late and watch them. Some moments still made you scared, but you enjoyed the thrill of it.

"I agree," you saw Tamaki freeze, "Me and Haruhi used to watch them all the time."

"That's already four votes. Mori-senpai, Kyoya-senpai, what do you think?"

Mori just nodded at the twins but you saw him look at Honey to make sure he would be fine with it. You all then turned to Kyoya, waiting for his response. You all knew that if he said something, Tamaki would have no choice but to agree. Any movie Kyoya was okay with would become the movie you guys watched, it was just the power he had over the club.HAI 

"I suppose," was his simple reply.

And with that, it was decided they all of you would watch a horror movie. Before you guys even played the movie, which the twins chose in secret, Tamaki already got scared and grabbed a giant blanket for you guys. No one knew where he got it from, but you guys weren't complaining. Apparently it was because he felt as if it would "protect all of us from harm," He also said that you guys had to close the curtains to "add effect" to the movie. He was definitely way too into this experience.


Halfway into the movie, you felt a hand against your own. You turned to look at Kyoya who sent you a quick glance before moving his gaze back to the movie. You moved your hand closer to you, thinking it was an accident. You turned your attention back to the movie as you hugged the blanket, hearing the music stop. Right as the ghost appeared on screen, you hear Tamaki scream out as you and the twins laugh, Kyoya letting out an amused chuckle. You subconsciously move your hands back to where it was, once again feeling Kyoya's hand.

Before you could move your hand away, you felt Kyoya grab it and intertwine your fingers. His large hand easily engulfed yours and you could feel the heat radiating off him. Blushing, you looked at Kyoya who had a small smirk on his face, still focusing on the movie. You looked around to see if anyone else noticed, even though both of your hands were under the blanket. You're glad that Tamaki turned the lights off earlier because you were sure your face was 50 shades of red.

You couldn't focus on the movie anymore, the frantic beating of your heart, and the warmth radiating from his hand. The movie was even scary anymore, not that it was that scary earlier. You couldn't get the fact that you two are holding hands out of your head. This was different from the other times you two have held hands if you could even call it that. All the other times, he was dragging you somewhere but now he's sitting next to you on the couch and rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand. You couldn't stop the goofy grin from showing up on your face.

"STOP STOP STOP," Tamaki yelled at the ghost, only adding to your growing grin.


You felt Kyoya let go of your hand, much to your disappointment. You turned to look at him, wondering why, but you saw him get up from the couch and turn the TV off. You didn't even notice the movie ended, still too caught up thinking about his hands holding yours.

"Tamaki are you okay," you heard Haruhi ask.

You shifted your attention from Kyoya, who was opening the curtains and turning on the lights and turned to face Tamaki. His face was pale and he looked virtually dead but everyone else looked fine, even Honey.

"Are you okay Tama-chan?"

"Mitsukuni he's fine. He's just scared," Mori spoke up for the first time today.

You heard Tamaki deny their claims and almost teased him along with Haruhi and the twins but you chose to go over to Kyoya, walking over to the little table he always sat at.

"Did you like the movie," you asked him as you sat across from him.

"I wasn't focused on the movie," he sent out a small smirk, "but I suppose Tamaki's idiotic outbursts made it amusing."

Your face became flustered as he looked at you, gazing directly into your eyes. You quickly turned away and looked at Hikaru wearing the blanket and chasing Tamaki, Kaoru also running after Tamaki pretending to summon more 'evil spirits.' You let out a small laugh as Kyoya turned to the noise, letting out a small chuckle of his own.

"So," you started, his attention turning back to you, "why did you hold my hand? I thought you didn't want to make it obvious?"

He sent you a coy smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What- but you," your face became flustered, despite knowing that he actually held your hand.

"I didn't think you would fall for me this quickly Ms. Fujioka," he pushed up his glasses, "Already having fantasies of us intertwining our fingers?"

"I never said our fingers were intertwined," you cheekily smiled, "Maybe you're the one having fantasies?"

"That's an interesting notion in its own way," he turned to look at his black notebook, "A very interesting notion indeed."

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