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A/n: the way I'm so flustered even trying to think of how he's going to confess 😳this is a little short, I'm sorry pls don't kill me <3 I just think this type of confession suits him and I couldn't think of anything else to add to it

Date Published: May 2, 2020


"Why do we always have to do the chores for the host club," you pouted, "Tamaki-senpai is the president."

You and Kyoya closed the door to the host club's storage room, which was located at the end of the hall. Granted, it wasn't that far but you were lazy and in the middle of eating cookies when Kyoya beckoned you over. You also weren't hosting anyone, maybe that's why he called upon you? He could have done this by himself since he decided to, once again, not take any clients today. It's almost as if he waited to start moving the old tea sets.

"Do you trust that idiot with Fine China," he asked as you quickly shook your head, "My point exactly. It would be much easier to have the two of us do the work than that dunce."

"You and I both know that you could've accomplished this alone or ask someone else. You always ask me," you nudged him.

"I could have, but that would mean I would have to complete more work," Kyoya turned to look at you.

"Take a picture of me if you're going to stare at me for that long," you joked around, putting your hands to your face and squishing your cheeks together.

You heard Kyoya let out a small chuckle which was enough to get you excited. You could barely gauge a genuine smile from him, excluding his smug ones. Unless it involved harassing Tamaki, he would never give a genuine smile and it made you happy that you could make the Shadow King do so with little effort.

You let go of your face, your hands now holding one another behind your back, "You know, that doesn't answer why you always choose me."

"You're less idiotic than everyone else," he nonchalantly replied.

That was obviously a lie, especially since Mori is always willing to help. The only one Kyoya has explicitly called an idiot was you and Tamaki, maybe the twins indirectly.

"Don't deny the fact that we're friends and you just wanted to spend time with me," you lightly teased him

"You aren't my friend Y/n," he spoke, yet a smirk was on his face.

"You're lying," you walked in front of him and turned to face him with a smug grin on your face, "If I'm not your friend, what am I?"

He gave a small chuckle and pushed up his glasses, "You're my girlfriend."

"Uhm," you feel your cheeks reddening as you gape at him, "you forgot to add a space between the words girl and friend."

Kyoya looked up at you now, his cocky smirk on his face. He stepped closer to you, eliminating the small distance that was between you two. You quickly took a step back, visibly flustered.

"No I didn't," his voice was teasing, "I like you, and you like me. It would be illogical to assume that we aren't dating given the circumstances."

"And who said I liked you," a sudden burst of confidence was flowing through your veins.

"I did," he quickly sidestepped you and continued walking back towards the Host Club, "We should return to the Host club now. They've been expecting us back for a while and we can't keep our guests waiting, can we?"

Not once did he turn around to look at you. You were practically frozen in place from his lack of vulnerability during that...confession? You didn't even know what to call it, you just knew that you weren't opposed to it. You lightly slap your cheeks to try and calm yourself down, only now noticing that Kyoya was practically at Music Room 3.

"What- Wait up," you ran after him, your flustered face accompanied by a bright smile.

And even though he didn't stop or turn around, you could feel tell he was smiling too.

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