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A/n: This seems so short compared to the last one ahh :( But also, where ever you are, please stay safe !! The world feels like it's in shambles right now but please know I'm supporting you from the sidelines. Stay safe <3

Date Published: May 29, 2020


"Good morning," Haruhi opened the door to the music room while struggling to support your sudden weight.

"Good....," you let out a yawn as your voice started trailing off, "morning.....everyone."

As soon as the members of the clubs aw your sluggish state, they looked towards Haruhi for an explanation. You ignored whatever conversation they were having, about themes and finances, and walked over to a couch near them. The club looked as you fell down onto the couch and instantly fell asleep, your backpack still on.

"Wahhh~ Is N/n-chan okay," Honey turned to look at Haruhi, who just sat down in her own seat.

"She's fine," Haruhi looked towards you and sighed, "She's just really tired."

"Look at how cute my daughter is sleeping! Daddy will get you a pillow and a blanket so you can sleep comfortably," Tamaki jumped up and started running around the host room.

While he did that, everyone else just looked at you.

"The bags under her eyes are bigger than before," Kaoru commented.

Hikaru nodded, agreeing with his twin, "She looked tired yesterday, but she looks dead today."

Kyoya looked at your sleeping face and let out a small smile, which went unnoticed by the other members.

"What's gotten her this tired," Kyoya finally contributed to the conversation.

Haruhi sighed but let out a small laugh after, "She wanted to rewatch Fairy Tail so she's been doing that for the past two nights. Dad doesn't mind it and thinks her random outbursts are cute, and I'm used to it so nothing stopped her from doing it. She'll probably continue until she finished the series."

All the concern for you vanished as they heard the reason, except Tamaki's. Tamaki quickly ran over to you with a blanket and pillow, setting it down so he can take your backpack off you first.

"Natsu, don't take my food," you mumbled as Tamaki slipped off your backpack and put it on the floor, "Natsu!"

The host club deadpanned as you started mumbling, still asleep. Tamaki paid no mind to it as he gently lifted your head and put a pillow underneath, then using the blanket to tuck you in. You instantly cuddled yourself into the blanket which made Tamaki awe.

"Look at how cute my daughter is," Tamaki loudly gushed, "Haruhi fall asleep so Daddy can tuck you in too!"

"Shut up you imbecile," Kyoya sighed, "You're going to wake her up if you keep shouting near her. Let's not focus on Y/n, we called a meeting to talk about our upcoming themes and their financial cost."

"As to be expected," Hikaru muttered.

"Of the Shadow King," Kaoru finished.

Despite Tamaki's initial protests about holding the meeting, Kyoya quickly got everyone focused. All throughout the meeting, Kyoya would sneak glances at you that he thought nobody saw. Tamaki, however, noticed this and was beaming as he was glad his two best friends were happy, especially Kyoya. Despite the cold nonchalant facade he had, Tamaki knew more than everyone that he had a heart of gold underneath.


"Good luck waking her up," Haruhi looked behind her as the twins started dragging her, "She's normally a light sleeper but when she's this tired, it takes a while."

"Can I try to wake N/n-chan up," Honey jumped around, before looking at Kyoya.

Before Kyoya could even answer, Mori spoke up, "Mitsukuni. We have to go to class, leave this to them."

The short blonde's expression dropped before he smiled again, "Aww, okay. Let's go Takashi!"

They soon left the music room and it was just you and your fellow second years, both of them trying to figure out how to wake you up. Before they even tried, the loud Ouran bells rang out which made them sigh in relief. Surely you would wake up from the chiming, at least that's what they believed but they were quickly proven wrong.

You simply snuggled closer to your blanket while mumbling, "Lucy? Is that a new celestial spirit?"

"She slept through the bells," Tamaki turned to ask Kyoya, "Well. This is your job as her boyfriend to wake her up! A prince must always try to be the first thing his princess sees in the morning."

Kyoya glanced at Tamaki and sighed, choosing to not debate with him about this. Debating with him would take longer than it needs and he felt as if he could probably wake you up within that time. There was also the fact that the bells chiming signified that you had 10 minutes to get to class, and he knew Tamaki would argue for much longer.

"This idiot," Kyoya sighed as he gently shook you.

You still didn't move and instead mumbled about characters they didn't know about. Tamaki stifled a laugh as he saw Kyoya's eye twitch. Kyoya tried to shake you again but was stopped when you held his hand, pulling it closer to you.

"Lead the way, Gray," you mumbled before letting out a groggy laugh, "That rhymed."

Kyoya's eyes widened as you intertwined your fingers in your sleep, causing Tamaki to laugh now.

"It seems our first hostess even has you falling for her charms," Tamaki attempted to tease the man, quickly stopping as he felt the atmosphere change, "I'll wait outside, it's rude to spy on a couple after all."

Tamaki ran out of the music room as Kyoya turned away, stopping his glare. He shook you again, this time rougher, but you still didn't wake up.

"I suppose I could wake her up a different way," Kyoya sighed.

He leaned closer to your sleeping figure and pecked your cheek, causing your breathing to stop.

He then leaned towards your ear, teasingly whispering, "Will you wake up now?"

He moved back as you quickly sat up on the couch and blushed, trying to process where you were. Your brain was still struggling to work as you didn't get enough sleep to make up for the past two days, but you still stood up.

"I didn't know you were infatuated enough to wake up to my voice," Kyoya's held a smug expression on his face, "Especially due to you not waking up when the bells chimed, or my attempts of shaking you."

"Shut up," you replied and picked your backpack up off the ground, already walking to the music room's exit.

You were sure you were going to be embarrassed after you could fully process what he said, but right now you were too tired to do so. Kyoya let out a small chuckle as he saw you walk away, only to get pulled into a hug by Tamaki. He quickly caught up to the two of you, enjoying the way your face slowly turned red as you realized what he said earlier. You were embarrassed, but you didn't mind falling asleep more often if he would wake you up like that each time.

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