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A/n: You guys are so sweet oh my god 🥺 thank you for even reading this audjdkdkdn

Date Published: April 17, 2020


"Y/n," you hear Haruhi call out from the living room, "There's a letter from Ouran!"

You were a little scared that you wouldn't make it, especially since you didn't study before the test. It wasn't your fault though, a new episode of your favorite anime came out. You were also scared since you took the test in America, a little before you came back, and they said it's harder to get in if you aren't testing in Japan. Letting out a small worried sigh, you walked out of your shared room with Haruhi. As soon as you stepped foot into the living room, you saw Haruhi sneakily trying to open the letter. She was really excited when you told her you applied so it makes sense

"Are you that curious," you suddenly spoke up, making her jump a little.

"I wasn't trying to open to open it," Haruhi quickly defended herself.

"I never said you were," you let out a small laugh realizing she just exposed herself.

She just rolled her eyes at you and was about to open the letter when your dad walked in, immediately running to you both for a hug.

"My babies! Daddy gets to hug you both after work now!  My little babies," he rubbed his cheeks against you both, "My precious twins! Never leave Daddy's side okay? Wait, is that a letter from Ouran?"

Not even waiting for a response, your dad rips open the envelope and starts reading.

"Dear Fujioka household, We have sent this letter to inform you that Y/n Fujioka has been admitted into Ouran Academy. We would also like to inform you that due to their outstanding performance on the entrance exam, we will be admitting them as a second year. Please receive your schedule in the office tomorrow. We look forward to having you attend Ouran Academy."

You got in? And you'll be a second year? You were completely shocked that you even got into Ouran since you didn't study and took the test sleep deprived, thanks to binge-watching Kamisama Kiss right after watching your favorite anime's new episode, much less skip a grade.

"My baby is so smart just like Daddy," your dad took you out of your thoughts, spinning you around.


"Thank you for giving me a tour around the school and getting my schedule with me Haruhi," you slung your arm around her shoulder.

"What are twins for," she gently removed your arm and smiled at you, "Sorry I can't spend any more time with you, but I have to go to my club."

"Can I join the same club as you? You've been in school for a month already so I'm sure you have friends and I don't want to be the new girl that sits alone. Also, you should call me senpai now since I'm a grade higher," you teased her.

"I'm still older," Haruhi completely disregarded your first question.

You thought it was kind of strange that she didn't want to tell you what club she was in, or the exact reason why she was dressed as a male. All she told you was that it was easier, whatever that means. You trusted her though, after all she was your older sister. It's not like she would hide anything important from you on purpose.

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