Hazy Morning - Part 1

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You pull your hoodie over your eyes, shielding them from the dazzling lights of the lecture hall as you sink deeper into the plush maroon coloured chair. Sighing, you fish around in your backpack, searching for your notepad and favourite Parker pen. The air in the room is frigid, making you feel uncomfortable no matter which way you shift. You take a sip of your now lukewarm Americano coffee, hoping it will clear the groggy fog currently enveloping your brain.

This morning had been absolutely miserable, and it all started when you missed the 8am train to the university station, meaning you were late to your first ever lecture! Due to standing in the rain on the uncovered platform, your clothes had become drenched and your hair was now ruined.

Somehow, by the grace of God, the professor hadn't shown up yet. He was late for the lecture as well, making you right on time. You smiled to yourself, taking in the small victory with a sense of glee. Take that universe!

"Sorry folks!" A voice boomed as a tall man approached the podium. His closed cropped grey hair was disheveled, the man adjusted the microphone and glanced at the bleary-eyed audience with a sense of amusement.

He straightened his tie and leaned down to speak straight into the microphone, "My car decided to break down on the highway this morning, as a result I'm late. Not a good look right?" He chuckled lightly, adjusting his Clark Kent style glasses with a sense of determination.

You were sitting on the left-side of the room behind the front row of chairs. Everyone else seemed to be spread out behind you, trying to avoid the pressure and attention of sitting closer to the front of the lecture room. Even though your eyesight wasn't terribly good, from where you sat, you could make out the professor's gentle features and the dimples that sat proudly on each cheek, moving as he spoke, giving emphasis to his words. 

"You can call me Professor Jeong, welcome to your first Philosophy lecture. Shall we begin?" He said this with such enthusiasm, the class had no other option, but to act obligingly.

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