X Mark's the Spot - Part 11

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Once again the weekend was approaching and you were feeling as anxious as ever. This week you had been feeling drowsy and subdued. Nothing seemed to make you happy, not even the simple pleasures in life like a barista made coffee in the morning, flowers blooming in the park or even Mark's corny jokes could make you smile.

It was a beautiful Friday morning and the professor was presenting his second lecture on Freud and retelling the story of Oedipus Rex. Even though Freud and his theories were one of your favourite topics you couldn't seem to focus. Mark sat next to you in the lecture theatre frantically typing away notes, occasionally sipping his Americano and poking you in the arm to make sure you were awake.

"Hey Y/N, are you okay? You're being awfully quiet today." Mark whispered, as the professor changed to the next slide on the Oedipus Complex.

"Yeah I'm just thinking." You mumbled and gave him a half-hearted smile.

Mark raised an eyebrow in response, eyes searching your stone cold face, trying to decipher the meaning of your sparse words.

Mark silently leaned over and whispered into your ear, making your heart flutter as you felt his hot breath tickle your ear. His soft right hand was right on top of yours, "You're thinking about him aren't you?"

A shiver ran down your spine and you began to feel nauseous. How was he so quick?

"Someone's never read me like that." He seemed satisfied with your response and returned to typing on the keyboard.

After class had finished the professor approached you.

"Hey Y/N!" he called out from the podium, beconing you closer with his hand. You were surprised he still remembered your name.

You shyly made your way down the steps, embarrassed by the attention. You tried not to think about the fact that you had kissed his son, but you couldn't seem to shake the sensation of Jaehyun's plump lips pressed hard against yours away.

"How have you been?" professor Jeong opened.

"I'm well thank you, I really enjoyed the lecture you just gave." You heard familiar light steps behind you.

"Nice to meet you professor, I'm Mark. The new Canadian exchange student." Mark confidently extended his hand and shook the professor's with vigour.

"Oh it's so lovely to meet you, thanks for attending my lectures." professor Jeong gave Mark a warm smile and returned his attention to you, "Y/N, I wanted to ask you about how that tutor is going? I saw your results from the test on Monday, and I'm thoroughly impressed."

Suddenly, a red flush covered your face, you decided not to answer the question "W-well thank you for saying that, I'm looking forward to seeing my test results."

Out of the corner of your eye you could see Mark smirking at you, amused by the crimson splash covering your cheeks.

"So, do you think you'll keep going with the tutor sessions? Jaehyun's been telling me all about you. He says he really likes teaching you," the professor earnestly looked into your eyes with a sense of adoration, "Not to mention, he says you're bright and receptive to his methods."

Mark studied your face carefully, his eyes flicked between yours and the professors, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. He unclenched his fist, not realising how tense he had become at the mention of Jaehyun.

"Oh I'm really happy to hear that," you managed to say, you could feel tears welling up in your eyes and hoped the professor wouldn't notice in the dim light of the lecture hall, "But I don't think I'll continue with tutoring...I'll like to independently study from now on. Thank you so much for all your help, and without Jaehyun I think I would have been totally lost this semester."

"You're welcome my dear," the professor smiled and a dimple appeared on his left cheek. God Jaehyun looked so much like his father, "If you need anything, or any help with study you have my number and Jaehyun's so don't be afraid to ask."

"Thank you, I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of your day now. See you later!" You waved goodbye and left the lecture theatre with Mark in a hurry.

"Wait a minute..." Mark said once you were outside in the open, "Is Jaehyun the professor's son?"

"Yeah he is," you tried to sound as happy as possible, but your voice faltered and tears started rolling down your cheeks.

Mark looked at you in surprise and held your face in his hands, "Hey, hey, don't cry," he gently cooed whilst trying to wipe your tears away.

"I'm sorry for being such a blubbering mess. This is so embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed, just tell me why you're crying. Anything I can do?" Mark replied reassuringly.

"I just r-really miss Jaehyun." you sobbed, "There's nothing you can do Mark...The damage has already been done."

Mark let go of your face and you watched him comb his fingers through his hair, through a torrent of tears. He silently mouthed a curse word to himself and let out a hefty sigh.

"If he's hurt you then don't go running back to him. Someone else will treat you better."

"Don't tell me that like I'm your daughter or something!" you bickered, "And anyways...It's not as simple as that," you felt stupid to think that Jaehyun would take you back in a heartbeat, but you silently prayed that he would.

"I didn't mean to make it sound like I was being bossy, I'm just giving you some sound advice okay?" Mark impatiently crossed his arms, "Y/N I know it's hard for you right now, but let's grab some lunch and try not to think about that fucker for just an hour? I'll buy you a coffee and we can chill in the library till the next class."

"Fine," you sighed, "Sounds better than sitting here and wallowing in tears." you mumbled.

"Just give me a smile..." Mark reached out his hand to yours, his eyes exuded warmth and gentleness. You felt like you could trust him.

You tugged your lips into a weak but genuine smile, looking at his kind face, and amused by the way the breeze made his bangs flutter. You took a hold of his hand and squeezed it gently, feeling the firmness underneath your fingertips, safe, stable and warm.

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