Love Affair - Part 9

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You greeted Jaehyun at the door and was once again almost floored by his breathtaking handsomeness. He held in his hands a box of chocolates.

"What are those?"

"It's your pre-exam gift, since I know you're going to do awesome!"

You laughed heartily at his comment.

"Are you insane? You're going to jinx me, great one dork."

Jaehyun bit his plump lower lip, "Well if you don't get anything better than an A- then that will reflect badly on me as a tutor. I have to be confident about this sort of thing you know?"

"You're seriously too much...and maybe a bit cocky."

Jaehyun stepped through the threshold of your apartment and made a bee-line for the coffee table in the lounge. He placed his textbooks and chocolates down nicely in a row. Then he peeled off his jackets and you couldn't help but stare in awe. He was wearing a black t-shirt underneath, fitting his toned body but not too tightly. You watched as the denim swooshed passed his shoulders, biceps strained and flexed with the effort. The sound of crumpled denim against the leather couch was all you could hear. You watched as Jaehyun eased himself onto the couch, making himself comfortable, his veiny hands stretched out.

"Nice place you've got here."

"Thanks it's not much, but it's home."

"Come here, why are you standing there so awkwardly?" He questioned, he beckoned you, one hand held out in friendship, "You're never this awkward around me. Did I do something?"

Oh God, if only he knew what he was doing to you.

You reached out and took his hand, it was warm and comforting. You sat down next to him and tried not to get too close.

"So," Jaehyun began looking into your eyes, "I think we should make a bet."

"On what?"

"On what grade you'll get in the exam."

You tapped your fingers to chin, unsure if making bets with Jaehyun was a wise decision.

Jaehyun laughed as he watched your eyes narrow in thought, "What, you don't trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you. First you have to tell me what we're betting on."

"Your virginity."

Your mouth hung open and you slapped Jaehyun over the face.

"Are you fucking insane!" You shouted at him and rose to your feet.

Jaehyun clutched his cheek but made no sound nor an attempt to retaliate. Immediately you felt sorry for what you had done, guilt settled like a heavy weight in your stomach, making you feel nauseous.

"Jaehyun, stop playing with me like that! You're my tutor for God's sake!"

Finally, Jaehyun's eyes met yours, a slight grin on his face, "Well, that was definitely not the reaction I was expecting."

"You're being a total asshole right now, why would you even say that?" You felt like you were about to cry.

"Don't lie," Jaehyun got to his feet and took a step closer to you, "I've noticed the way you've been looking at me lately. Your eyes just always seem to find mind, don't they? And everytime I accidentally touch your hand, like when reaching over to help you solve an equation you seem so flustered. Not to mention your cheeks grow hot and pink when I compliment you. I don't think that's just a coincidence right?"

"I-I...I don't know what you mean." You lied, trying to back away from him. But he was ruthless, he stalked you like prey until your back was pressed against the solid brick wall. There was nowhere to run.

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