Rain - Part 8

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During the weekend, Jaehyun came over to your apartment for dinner and to tutor you. Currently, you are living by yourself in a dingey apartment, downtown near the harbour.

Big heavy raindrops pounded against your window, but you didn't mind. You had left the window slightly open so you could clearly hear the rush of whitenoise from the rain pour into your apartment like a calm breeze. You were sitting at the window, chin cupped in your hand, patiently waiting for Jaehyun to show up.

Suddenly, you caught a flash of light flicker in the alleyway beneath your apartment. Through the murky rain came a sleek black car, on closer inspection as you poked your head out of the window you noticed it was an Audi, maybe an S class.

The car parked right next to the entrance of your building and out stepped a man wearing a grey denim jacket, black cargo pants and hair perfectly styled into a messy combover. You knew from the moment he stepped out of the car who it was. Maybe it was the way he walked, no strut out of the car, suave and completely confident, hips swaying to their own rhythm as he made his way across the pavement.

God knew that he was your tutor and college senior, but you couldn't help fantasizing about him. He was everything you had ever wanted in a boyfriend, kind, caring with a beautiful voice and a killer smile. But now you were just getting ahead of yourself. You had to mentally prepare yourself to greet him as a friend, a teacher, someone who deserved the utmost respect. He was the Professor's son after all. You remembered what he told you once "those are just titles, they aren't me."

Quickly, you patted down your hair and flattened out your shirt, trying to get rid of all the fine, stubborn wrinkles that never seemed to iron out, no matter how hard you tried. Tonight you were dressed simply, white button up blouse, ripped jeans. Just a typical college student.

You hear a buzz from the intercom. Hesitantly, you picked up the phone and placed it to your ear.


"Hey it's me, let me in will you?" his voice was deep but gentle, with a mischievous hint of teasing.

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