Last Christmas - Part 31

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Writer's Note: In terms of the above song and why I chose to feature it in this chapter (as well as be the title) is simply because *in Haechan's voice* "It's a bop."

The next morning went by in a murky haze. When you entered the living room and saw Jennie and Mark having breakfast together it was like a slap in the face.

Were Mark's feelings for you genuine?

There was only one way to find out, and that was to read the blasted letter he had given you. The navy blue envelope lay on the nightstand, undisturbed and in plain sight. But of course, you knew that you couldn't open it to reveal its contents until later on tonight when Jennie and Mark left for Vancouver.

Jaehyun had already left for work before you had woken up, slipping away in the stillness of the early morning like he always did, now leaving you alone with the couple in the apartment.

"Minhyung, don't make that face when you eat, it's too funny I'm gonna choke!" Jennie merrily laughed, calling Mark by his given name felt oddly intimate.

You watched as Mark picked up a strawberry with his fingers and ate it, screwing up his face in a comical fashion and making Jennie howl with laughter. This Christmas morning, the pair appeared lively, and you couldn't help but wonder when Jaehyun would get home so he could celebrate the festivities with you.

As part of his university course, for his final year of study, your boyfriend had taken up a new job at an architectural firm and had to prove himself by working overtime. Noting his skills and determination to succeed in the job, Jaehyun's boss had assigned him to a top secret contract with the city, that was in preparation for the winter Olympics. When Jaehyun came home from work he was always stressed out, after all he was working hard for the both of you.

"Y/N, one day I'm going to make you my wife. We'll live in a house, not an apartment, and out in the country somewhere where you can have your own garden. I'll work from home so we can spend more time with our family." He would often remark over dinner.

You never took his words seriously, and teased him for his fool-hardy dreams, but as you watched him slave away in the office everyday and tell you about the upcoming projects he was working on, his words began to sink in and you recognised his sincerity - they were no longer merely words, strung together like a fantastical narrative, but promises to himself and most importantly, to you. They were promises of a better future, since he knew you had never had a proper family. Your mother had disappeared when you were young and after the death of your father you were left with no-one in this cold and lonely world. Jaehyun's mother and the Professor were the only real semblance of a family you had ever had.

You hurriedly turned away from the scene of Jennie and Mark eating breakfast and headed straight to the bathroom to get yourself ready for the day. Today was the last day that Mark and Jennie would be in the city, they had to return to Vancouver in the evening.

As a farewell gift you had prepared for each of them a bottle of wine, it was some fancy French brand that you couldn't pronounce and a piece of jewellery.

For Mark, you gave him a watermelon ring, since that was his favourite fruit, and for Jennie you had prepared a rose pendant, as a sign of her unfailing beauty.

"Thank you so much Y/N!" Jennie cooed when she unwrapped her gift.

"Here babe, I'll help you with that." Mark scooted closer to Jennie on the couch and you watched with envy as Jennie lifted her hair and Mark reached around to help her put on the necklace.

Jennie smiled adoringly at Mark and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek.

You felt intensely envious, "Sorry, I'll be back in a sec...I'm rather thirsty." you excused yourself and rushed to the kitchen, hoping your sour face had been barely noticeable to the two.

After you left you could hear Jennie and Mark laughing in the other room and decided to leave them be before re-entering.

Maybe calling and talking to Jaehyun would help calm and recenter you?
Without hesitation you picked up your phone and dialed his number.

"Oppa." you whined when he finally answered.

"Jagiya ~ what's up?" Jaehyun was already laughing, besides 'Jae', your boyfriend's other favourite nickname was Oppa. The way you said the moniker seemed to amuse him mightily.

Jaehyun was a romantic at heart and cherished everything that came along with being your partner, from your petulant mood swings, to your indecisiveness and anxieties. Having known you since you first entered university and after being your tutor, he had learnt to handle your personality pretty well.

"I miss you Jae, please tell me you're coming home early today. It's Christmas for God's sake! They can't keep you cooped up in that office and away from me all day!"

"Aish," Jaehyun sighed, "I miss you too Peach...I thought you were calling up to say how much you love me and that you've written a poem for me."

You laughed mockingly directly into the receiver, "You wish! You're the one who's supposed to be writing a poem for me mister."

Jaehyun laughed, "I wish you were here right now," he continued in a husky tone, "Did you know the office is completely empty? Well, apart from my boss, but he's going home in like ten minutes. I wish someone cute was here with me...So that she could sit on my lap and help me out with all these complicated diagrams."

You gasped, "Jae...Oppa, you're seriously too much. I like what you're implying, but what if someone caught us? Doing you know..."

"The thrill of the idea makes it more exciting don't you think?" Jaehyun added confidently, 

"Besides, it's not like this would be the first time we've done it 'out in public'."

His comment made you blush. You were suddenly lost for words, something that rarely happened to you.

Jaehyun spoke, penetrating the silence, "Sorry Peach, did I make you flustered?"

"Only a little bit." you mumbled, biting your lip nervously.

Jaehyun snickered, "Alright then. I'll make sure to get home early today, before dinner time. I'll give you a call when I'm on my way home, okay? Oh and please tell Jennie and Mark I can't make it to see them off at the airport tonight, the traffic will probably be too hectic since it's Christmas time so getting to the airport will be a pain for me."

"Yes, Jae don't worry about it, I'm sure they will understand. Jennie seemed to really appreciate your help with shopping yesterday, so hopefully she'll forgive your absence."

"And what about Mark?"

You scoffed, "What about him?"

"Well, I didn't really get to spend a lot of time with him yesterday since I was with Jennie at the mall. Has he mentioned anything noteworthy about me?"

"Not that I recall."

Jaehyun hummed into the receiver, "Okay. Let him know that we're still friends and he's welcome to stay over any time...Even if that little shit punched me in the face and broke my nose."

You tried to suppress your laughter, but failed miserably, "Should I add that last part about you calling him a "little shit"."

"Peach if you do that I'll pin you against a wall and make you wish you'd never open your mouth." Jaehyun warned.

"Ohhhh!" you mocked, "I dare you to show me your worst."

Jaehyun sighed, it sounded like a ragged exhale full of tension, you could hear him shifting in his seat, "If you were here in my office right now. Oh the things I would do to you."

"Save it for when Mark and Jennie leave." you brazenly replied.

"Hey Y/N! We're going out for lunch, you want to come with us?" Mark poked his head out from behind the entryway to the kitchen.

"Oh shit, sorry Jae, gotta go now! Bye! Love you!" you frantically ended the call and scrambled to the door to get your coat.

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