"Just another boy" - Part 27

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Writer's Note: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this far! Seriously, you guys are awesome. And it's so nice to see so many regular readers and people adding this story to their library. You make me swoon with love ;)

FYI this is a long chapter. I'll let you judge if all that reading was worth it or not!


It was a strange feeling having two of your lovers and a new girl sitting in the back of the car whilst you were driving. As you made small talk and recounted each other's holiday tales and stories from the year, you realised how marvelous life was. How all of this; you weren't sure whether to call it a mess or miracle, had occurred in the span of a year.

You drove at a leisurely speed, keeping your eyes focused on the road. It was helping distract you from the fluttery feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach. Compared to you, Jaehyun seemed to be taking the experience all in his stride.

"So, uh...How was Canada Mark?" He started talking to Mark just as you drove onto the highway.

"Oh Canada was beautiful hyung." Mark replied courteously, making sure to add the polite 'hyung' at the end, signifying his place in the pecking order.

You smirked at Mark's reply, considering the competitive and often violent history between him and Jaehyun. It seemed as Mark was playing nice and acting civil in front of his new girlfriend.

Jaehyun gave Mark a dimpled smile and turned his head over his shoulder to get a better look at the younger man, "Which part of Canada are you from again? I can't remember you having told me."

"I'm from Vancouver." Mark replied curtly.

"Ah I've never been there, but I've heard it's beautiful. I have been to North America though, New England to be exact." Jaehyun said, sounding like a wise and well travelled adventurer.

"Mmmm I must visit New England some time." Mark responded in kind, "Jennie, how about we do a road trip there one day? We can drive across the border into America."

The comment made the hair on the back of your neck prick up. Somehow, just at the mention of 'her' name you became flustered. You tried to calm yourself and keep focused on the road, but couldn't resist catching a glimpse of Mark's new flame in the rear-hand mirror.

She sat poised next to Mark and in the dim lighting you could see that she was wearing a signature black Chanel suit jacket. Her knees were crossed, while her hands rested on her lap like she was at a photoshoot. Jennie gave Mark a loving look and gummy smile that made your toes curl.

Jennie Kim is an oil mogul's daughter. Spoilt, rich and well-educated and above all else well-dressed, she reminded you a lot of Blair Waldorf. She was exactly Mark's type in terms of looks, but for some reason you couldn't see the two of them making a long term couple. Mark was far too boisterous for her elegant and sophisticated nature.

"New England sounds fantastic honey," Jennie said in her silky tone, "We haven't been on a proper road trip before."

"You guys should give it a try sometime," Jaehyun interjected, "It's great travelling to new places and meeting new people. Plus you and Mark can learn more about each other since you're gonna be stuck in the car together for hours on end." He added enthusiastically.

"I don't know about being on the road, but I guess as long as I have a comfy place to sleep at the end of the day I'll be fine." Jennie giggled.

"So I'll bring a tent?" Mark replied teasing her, "We can pitch it on the side of the road and listen to cars go by all night."

Jennie groaned, "No you idiot," she said laughing and slapping him lightly on the shoulder, "I need a proper mattress."

You watched and tried to hide your amusement as Mark rolled his eyes, "Such a drama queen, she always needs to be pampered and have the finest things." the younger man said. He caught you looking at him in the rear-view mirror and gave you a mischievous wink.

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