A Sight For Sore Eyes - Part 15

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You made it into the hallway when unexpectedly, hands grasped your shoulders pulling you backwards. It was Mark.

"Get off me!" You cried and pounded his chest with your fists, angry more at yourself than him.

Mark waited until your tantrum was over before he pulled you into his arms and rubbed circles into your back, quietly soothing you with his warm touch. He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down, then drew you back, peering into your face with eyes full of curiosity.

You watched his face intently, waiting for him to say something, hoping that everything would go back to normal. But you knew that your relationship would never be the same. His eyes flittered around the room, nervously Mark bit on his lip as he watched tears flooding down your cheeks. Another wave of guilt and shame washed over you.

"Y/N please don't run away. Let me take you home." Mark whispered, your eyes were fixed on his quaking lips.

"Mark...I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. We can make this better." He said hopefully, giving you a hesitant grin.

"I can't be your sweetheart."

Mark's confused expression faded to one of regret. "Why?" A single tear raced down his cheek, "You...Y-you still love him don't you?"

You hung your head in shame and shoved his warm hand off your shoulder.

"What is it about me that you find so repulsive?" Mark lamented.

"It's not you it's me."

He gave you a vicious smile, "Don't give me that bullshit!" Mark punched the nearby wall, leaving a dent in the drywall and making you jump in surprise. "I'm sick of always being second place to him! You know he's a douchebag so why are you so hung up on him?"

"Mark, I told you," you said, trying to control your shaky breaths, "It's just not that simple. I can't control the way I feel for him. I love you too, but not in the same way...besides you're too good for me."

Mark let out a heavy sigh and wiped his nose with the back of his cuff, clearing his throat he looked dead at you, hope had completely  disappeared from his eyes, "Alright then, I see how it is," his voice came out husky, but deep and powerful, "But just know, this doesn't change the way I feel for you."

"Why are you like this?" you wailed, "Why are you so kind to me? I don't deserve your love or affection for what I've put you through."

Mark locked eyes with you, his face taught and tense, the feline smile from his eyes had suddenly faded. He walked towards you, sultry and calm, stopped until you were shoulder to shoulder and facing the opposite direction before he bent down and whispered in your ear, "You don't get it do you? I've loved you since the day I've known you."

Your heart dropped. But by the time you thought of something to reply with Mark was already in the elevator and headed down the street towards the train station.

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