Palazzo Rocco - Part 24

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Summer was on its way. You could feel it in the air and by the way the breeze paused and reconsidered it's path through the rustling trees, barely cooling you down in the sweltering heat. You had decided to stay in the city with Jaehyun for the summer. The two of you had been together for a long time now, almost 4 months in total.


You could still vividly remember the night he asked you to be his girlfriend. It was after he officially introduced you to his parents. His father, the professor, was surprised that he had accidentally played the role of matchmaker, but was pleased to know that one of his star students was dating his son.

Jaehyun decided to walk you through his neighbourhood that night. It was pitch black outside, but he somehow made the streets enchanted and comforting. Walking along the sycamore tree lined avenue while crickets chirped in shadowy gardens made it feel like Paris. Just as it began to rain Jaehyun covered you both with his jacket. You both ran towards his old highschool, which was luckily unlocked and there you sheltered from the drizzle underneath the awning of the maths department.

You tentatively held Jaehyun's hand in yours, not thinking much of it since you were cold and shivering. He took you into his arms and held you close, hoping to warm you up. You could hear his light breathing just above you, but couldn't make out the expression on his face since you were tucked snuggly into the crook of his shoulder. You wondered whether he was smiling or not, maybe he was even puzzling over a problem?

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you peach." Jaehyun held his breath, fingers gently rubbing yours, more to comfort himself than you.

With a look of curiosity you peered up at him, "What is it?" You gave him a teasing grin, "Is this going to be another one of your corny dad jokes?" You sighed in mock frustration, but really you could listen to his soothing voice all day, even when he was telling you off or teaching you some metaphysical philosophical theory.

"It's something better than a dad joke sweetie." Jaehyun chuckled merrily, "I want you to..."

Jaehyun was trying to desperately string a sentence together in his head. Something succinct, elegant and suave, an offer you couldn't refuse. But for the life of him, suddenly, he had become nervous in your presence. Gazing down into your eyes he felt lost in their depth and overcome with emotion.

"What?" you half mumbled half whispered, "Jae, just say it." trying to tease out a response from him.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. Officially." Jaehyun said sincerely, like he was entering into some binding business contract.

You laughed at his awkwardness, "Come on!" you punched him lightly in the arm, "Don't say it like that."

Jaehyun ruffled his hair in frustration and gave you a pout, "Okay let me try that again." he said with a mischievous grin, making dimples pop up on his cheeks.

"My darling Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Too cheesy!" you protested.

Jaehyun dived and wrapped his arms around your waist, then lifted you up in the air, spinning you with ease as you squealed and howled with laughter.

"Okay okay! I will be your girlfriend!"

Jaehyun abruptly stopped his antics and let you down.

"Really?" his eyes were sparkling and wide.

"Yes Jeong Jaehyun, I love you! Why would I say no?" you grasped his face and gave him a wet smooch on the lips, enjoying how he seemed to melt like jelly in your hands.

Even with your eyes closed you could sense his whole body relaxing. He was practically glowing when you drew back from the kiss and opened your eyes. His cheeks were lightly tinted pink. You could still feel the imprint of his warm lips against yours, lingering like the sweet taste of honey.

"I love you too peach."

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