Showdown - Part 14

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The night was rolling on smoothly. You and Mark had danced, surveyed the balcony and viewed the city skyline, while mingling with some other guests, who's names you had already forgotten. 

"Hey Mark, hold my drink, I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick." You said into his ear over the loud music.

You stumbled to the bathroom not realising how drunk you had become.

"No way am I driving home tonight." You said to yourself in the bathroom mirror. Your makeup was smudged around the eyes, making you resemble a panda and your red lipstick had all but disappeared, "I need a lie down...Hopefully Jungkook's got a spare room in this massive apartment."

You tried your best to reapply your makeup, combed down your frazzled hair with wet fingers and straightened out your dress before unlocking the bathroom door.

As soon as the door flew open you were met with a familiar face. You jumped back in surprise and muffled your audible gasp with the back of your hand. Suddenly, your throat felt dry and achy, you didn't know where to look.

"H-hi..." you mumbled.

"Well isn't it a pleasure seeing you here," he said in his sensual Baritone voice, leaning against the door frame for support, he bent forwards and peered down in curiosity at your confused expression. My God, it was like the first time you met all over again. Gently, he lightly grasped your chin, like handling fine China he examined you, "You look stunning tonight."

You almost gave into the temptation to kiss his plump lips. Those smouldering raven black eyes, striking dimples and enticing smirk almost got the better of you. All your emotions and memories of the sweet caresses of his compassionate hand came flooding back into your mind all at once. The power he had over you was almost unbearable.

You hated that you had willingly given every part of yourself to him, trust, respect, loyalty while you were a naive student.

That unique musky cedarwood and lavender smell engulfed your senses, making you zone out from reality. The party, revellers and ear-piercing synth bass was nothing but a din in your ears as his eyes put you in a trance.

"Jaehyun," you whispered, your voice unexpectedly heavy and lusty. His name came out more like a moan than a familiar moniker.

"What is it peach?"

"Why the fuck are you here?" you recoiled from his touch, even though your body was practically screaming for contact with his.

Jaehyun smirked at your reaction and resigned his hands to his pockets. He wasn't dressed in his usual university attire. Tonight, just for the occasion he had worn a dusty blue Versace dinner jacket and a white collared shirt underneath that had been scandalously unbuttoned to his collar bones, giving you a peek of his toned and solid chest, fluctuating with every labored breath.

"What do you mean why the fuck am I here? I'm friends with Jungkook." Jaehyun was visibly irritated by your question and insinuation, "You think I followed you here?"

"Well you followed me to the bathroom, doesn't that say a lot?" you spat in return.

Jaehyun laughed, making his shoulders bounce, but no audible sound came from his mouth. His eyes narrowed as they examined yours, "I saw you across the dance floor and came to say hi, as a matter of courtesy. I haven't seen you in ages you know?"

In your drunken state you couldn't care less about common courtesy, "Well you've said hi, so get away from me."

"I see I have wasted my time and yours...I guess courtesy doesn't matter to people like you." His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, you hadn't seen him this angry since you had accidentally spilt your coffee over the textbooks he had bought for you. You remembered vividly how he had scolded you while furiously mopping the soaking paper with his cotton pullover.

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