Jungkook's Party - Part 12

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The night of the party had come. Your eyes glanced at the clock while you finished applying your base makeup, it was exactly 7.30pm. Even though it was just another college party, you felt like dressing up for the occasion and made sure to iron out your only black cocktail dress. The dress had been passed down to you from your mother, it was a little outdated and worn at the hem, but it hugged your body in all the right places, enhancing the sensual curves of your body. 

Tonight was beautiful and clear, not a single cloud lay in the sky. Sitting on the horizon you could see the city lit up in the distance, glowing with life. Tonight the cities harbour was still, no boats, frigates or cruise ships hurried along the waters edge. Even the surface of the ocean was oddly calm, making the reflection of the cities many towers appear like great silver and gold pillars. It was if everyone in the city was bracing themselves for a storm, breathes held in and prayers silently mouthed to the warm night breeze.

Soon you would make your way to pick up Mark and take him to Jungkook's apartment in the city. Apparently, Jungkook came from a family of old money media tycoons. A well connected and wealthy socialite, he liked to spend Daddy's money in all the frivolous ways he could think of.



Y/N: "I'm outside"

Mark (^-^): "Okay, coming out in a sec"

You heard a faint tap on the window, and turned to your left to see who it was. Surprised by the familiar and dorky looking face squished against the glass of your car window, you jumped back in your seat, watching as his lips peeled back into a gleeful smile.

Hastily, you rolled down the window, "Mark you idiot!" you scolded, "You scared me shitless!"

You couldn't control your giggles and neither could Mark, his comforting and hearty laugh reverberating throughout the car. He sat down next to you, beaming with excitement. That's what you loved about him, no matter the weather or mood you were in he always gave you energy and his zest for life made every moment special.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mark yelled out with zeal.

With that you hit hard on the gas pedal, making the car lurch forward. The engine hummed as you turned a sharp corner, Mark gripped onto the handle of the vehicle and shot out a string of colourful curse words.

"What's got into you today?" Mark asked jovially, his confident smile still plastered across his face. He watched your determined look as you drove onto the highway, an eyebrow raised in curiosity and fascination.

"I dunno." you replied curtly, "Maybe I'm just in a good mood," you lied and tried to pass over the guilt that came with it. The truth was you had been in an awful head-space the whole day.

Right now, as you drove further into the city and red neon lights seeped into the car's interior, you wanted nothing more than to do something vengeful, something reckless to hurt Jaehyun, just so he could experience your sorrow. Realising that the chances of Jaehyun stumbling back into your life, getting on his knees and apologising for his womanising ways were slim, the only way you could think of to get even was revenge. Maybe you could even steal his girlfriend if she was hot?

"Anyways," you said, letting out a deep breath, "Who's at this party we're going too? Any hot guys I should be looking out for?"

Mark laughed in return, "What hot guys? You must mean me of course," for a split second you turned to face Mark and took your eyes off the road. He gave you a flirtatious wink. You couldn't tell if the adrenaline rush was coming from the way he was looking at you or the fact that you had been driving like a complete idiot.

"Shut up! Mark you're my best friend...gross," you replied, but the idea of your lips locking made your heart flutter. You rolled your eyes, hoping he wouldn't take you seriously.

"Okay chill I was just kidding anyways," Mark folded his arms in response, "I will admit though, if we're talking about hot guys, my pal Jungkook is smoking! Like so hot, you wouldn't believe it."

"Oh really? What makes you say that?" Your curiosity has peaked.

Mark scratched the stubble on his chin and pursed his lips in thought, "Well he's everything your mother warns you about. Tattoos, piercings -"

"Hey but you've got piercings!" You retorted sarcastically.

"Well I'm obviously a bad boy!" Mark laughed, "Yeah, piercings...where was I? Oh he drinks, parties, smokes, likes to go to strip clubs and hangs out with rappers. He's really good friends with this rapper called RM."

"Holy shit!" you nearly swerved off the road you couldn't believe what you had just heard. The city streets were becoming more crowded now as you headed into the center. Giant tower blocks crowded around you, Friday night revelers poured over the concrete paths and out of the train stations came swarms of party goers, some wearing flashy dresses or jewelry, carrying with them the distinct smell of alcohol.

"RM is a big deal! He's like one of the top rappers at the moment. That's so cool...Does Jungkook have a girlfriend?" You quizzed Mark.

"Hmmm I don't think...Matter of fact I can't remember him having one, but he's always got girls around him, basically followers, so I'm sure they keep him company."

Jungkook seemed like the perfect way to get back at Jaehyun. Handsome, mysterious and just a little bit reckless, but most importantly everything that you needed right now - a warm body to get your mind off Jaehyun.

"Okay, we're here." You got out of the car, Mark came to your side and peered up at the solid glass covered apartment block. Definitely, not the kind of residence you would expect of a college student.

"Shit, this place is even better than his last one!" Mark exclaimed, "How many levels is that? 40? Gosh his dad must have given him a raise."

With that you entered the building and rang the intercom. A husky male voice answered on the other end, "Jeon residence."

Mark gently shoved you aside with his elbow, "Hey it's Mark Lee, I'm friends with Jungkook...he's having a party, can I come up?"

"Mark Lee? Yes you're on the guestlist, I'll let you in now."

"Who the heck was that?" Mark grinned as he gazed into your bewildered eyes.

"I dunno, probably a secretary...maybe a new follower, both are totally possible."

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