Mishaps - Part 3

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At this time of day the library was packed with students just having finished their first round of morning lectures. As you observed the vast space, decorated with looming oak pillars and contrasting modern art installations, you couldn't help but notice the wide range of students clustered all into one area. Freshman students, like yourself, clung to the walls as they walked down rows of bookshelves, trying to negotiate their way around tables without disturbing others. Meanwhile, the more bold and courageous seniors and postgraduate students briskly zipped between couches and tables, their faces noticeably paler and worn, no doubt from hours of studying.

You went to the front desk and were directed by the helpful librarian to the uppermost floor of the library.

"It's somewhere along Row 12, you can't miss it." The librarian's soft voice repeated in your head.

Swiftly scanning the shelves of books before you, a perry-winkle blue cover caught your eye. Ah-ha! This is the book you had been searching for.

Suddenly your phone rang, you looked down and realised the time! Your next lecture was in five minutes and you were on the other side of the campus! Book in hand, you started making a dash for the front desk, not caring who saw you clambering over the chairs like a mad woman along the way. You made it down the flight of stairs to the second floor, then just when you rounded the corner your shoulder engaged with that of another, hitting you like a brick wall.

"Hey watch it!"

You opened your eyes, everything was blurry. Underneath you lay a boy wearing a quizzical expression. He had short dark-brown hair, that looked like it had once been combed over into a chic wave. Now strands poked up at obscure angles. His porcelain white skin was rosy around the cheeks, his mouth parted in question and startling onyx coloured eyes gave you a piercing glare.

As you re-orientated yourself you realise what just happened. The book you were holding had been strewn to the side, now it lay a metre away, pages open and face down. No doubt the pages would be crinkled. Looking down at the boy you figured that you had managed to leap into his arms as you rounded the corner, causing him to fall backwards onto the concrete floor. Ouch. Your hair was covering your face as you sat on top of him, your thighs straddling his waist. You brushed the hair aside and looked down at his gorgeous face, he gave you a mischievous smile.

"Well hello..." he started in a husky tone.

Realising the contact of your body against his, you jumped up in surprise.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" you yelped as you leaped up onto your feet, eagerly scrambling off him.

The boy lay on the ground, peering up at you in amusement. He brushed himself off and you offered a hand, helping him regain balance on his feet.

He combed his fingers through his hair and picked up your book, "Here," he handed the wretched thing back to you, "The pages look a bit creased, but I'm sure it'll be okay."

You snatched the book from his hands, acutely embarrassed and aware of how disheveled you looked.

"Uh...I'm-I-" You were lost for words as he peered down at you, he was rather tall now that he stood to his full height, revealing his athletic stature.

"Are you okay?" He said concerned, leaning down and peering into your crimson splashed face, "Looks like you've got a bruise on your head you should get that checked."

Quickly, you touched your forehead, stroking your hairline until you felt a patch that was especially painful, and the heat of a growing bruise rising from the area. That would certainly leave a mark.

"Oh it's fine," You laughed nervously, "I'm so sorry for bumping into you!"

"Hey no worries about it. You shouldn't be running in a library anyways." He gave you an easy dimpled smile that reminded you of someone, but currently, in your flustered state of mind you couldn't quite put a finger on the name.

"Yeah, sure." You replied hesitantly, "Anyways, I've got to go to class now, that's the reason I was rushing in the first place. Sorry again!"

Briskly brushing down your outfit and picking up your school bag, not giving a second glance to the boy, you made your way to the first floor of the library where you issued out the book. With only seconds to spare you decided to run the rest of the way to the lecture hall. By the time you got there you were worn out, your chest was heaving and your throat felt parched. You scowled at the book as you tucked it into your bag.

"Because of you I'm late!" You thought to yourself.

Maybe today just wasn't your lucky day.

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