"I hate you Jeong Jaehyun" - Part 18

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Mark hadn't arrived to class yet and despite your best efforts to keep your mind on Mr Jeong's presentation that was in front of you, your eyes repeatedly flitted to the nearby entrance. Waiting for Mark's slim frame to appear before you at any moment. Alas, your prayers were all in vain. Your nervous waiting had been for nothing, and by the time you knew it class was over.

Thinking you needed some coffee and food to clear your mind you headed for the cafeteria and stood in the queue. You tried your best to look lively when placing your order, but your request for "one long black with an extra shot of espresso." sounded monotonous and dead.

"Long black for Y/N." The barista behind the coffee machine called out. You peered up from your phone and headed over the counter. You gladly took the coffee from her hands, feeling shaky and in need of refreshment. Just as you were about to turn you bumped into somebody.

"Oh my God!" was all you heard before you fell to the floor and landed on your back.

A burning sensation trickled down your arm. You realised the coffee had spilt all over your clothes. You touched your aching head, blinking away the stars in your eyes, before glancing across to see who the unlucky fool was.

Standing in front of you was a girl, black Michael Kors purse in tow, black heels and matching dress-pants to go with them. The white blouse she had on was drenched in your coffee, turning the thin fabric see-through and black in colour. Her rouge stained lips tugged down to the sides of her delicate face into a lethal snarl, her eyes fiery and filled with disgust.

"Seriously you idiot! Look what you've done to my new Givenchy shirt!" 

You clambered onto your feet, still disorientated after the fall, "I'm so sorry, I can pay you back if you like?"

"Pay me back for what?" she hissed at you, stamping her feet in anger.

"F-for the shirt, it looks expensive." you mumbled hesitantly. She rolled her eyes at you, her mouth turning into a hideous smirk, "That's because it was! And it was a gift from my boyfriend."

"I really am truly sorry for bumping into you..." how could your day get any worse?

"Anyways, by the looks of your dirty, worn out sneakers, doesn't look like you could afford to pay me back for this blouse." she said triumphantly, crossing her arms in satisfaction at having belittled you.

Now it was your turn to be shocked, you tried to keep a straight face, but your eyes betrayed you as they grew wider by the second, "Excuse me?" you replied defiantly.

"You heard what I said bitch." bellowed the girl as she served you a sassy head tilt.

"I bumped into you by accident okay? And I apologised, so there's no point in being rude to me."

"Whatever! Just give me your name so I can report you for being a nuisance to the school board. That'll show you...I will get you expelled!"

You chuckled at her presumptuous comment, "And what makes you think you have the power to do that?"

"Because I get whatever the fuck I want when I want." again stamping her heel firmly down onto the linoleum floor, the light thud sound reverberated throughout the cafeteria, "Don't you know who I am?" 

"You're a snooty little senior." you said, your face inches away from hers, staring her straight in the eyes. You were determined to stand your ground and not let her taunts threaten you.

"Hah! You freshmen are so feisty, aren't you? Wait till I get my friends to beat you up! Now give me your name!"

"Fine, if you want it so bad...My name is Y/N."

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