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it was the next day and as usual, dahee was just paying attention in class. she answered questions when she was needed to, she did her work when she was told to and she helped the teacher when they needed help. it was no doubt dahee was their favourite. she was the perfect example of a good student. what they didn't know is that she only wants to get school done and over with. she just wants to finish school, get a job so she can move out and live on her own.

"dahee, can you see me after class?" she looks up at the call of her name. she nods at the woman, a smile on her face. not long after, class ends and it was finally lunch. dahee takes her time to clear her desk, waiting for most of her classmates to leave so she would have less people overhearing her conversation with ms lee. she walks over to the woman, maintaining the smile on her face. "yes, maam?"

"dahee, dear, how would you like it if i gave you a personal project for some extra credit?" the woman lays down the deal to the girl. "personal project? w-what kind of personal project?" she fiddles with the hem of her grey jacket that she wears everyday, feeling slightly uneasy. "a project that only you are getting, dear." the woman states.

"w-what is it?" she manages to stutter out, eyes blinking profusely in confusion. "do you mind tutoring kim hongjoong? he's missed out a lot of stuff since last year," the teacher explains and dahee lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding, relieved that it was only about tutoring a classmate. who knows how bad it could've actually turned out to be?

"tutoring another student, maam? is that worth some extra credit?" she questions the woman. "you see, dahee, hongjoong isn't really into studying or anything and since he's missed out a lot, i'm sure it'll take months of tutoring for him to catch up. i also want him to be genuine so i'm hoping maybe you could help him out? not just his studies but his attitude as well," ms lee explains.

she just wants the best for hongjoong and she believes that dahee is capable of changing him even the tiniest bit. "i see. so i will start tutoring him tomorrow, then?" the girl asks once again and the teacher nods at her with a smile, receiving a nod back from dahee as response. "thank you so much, dear. i wish you all the best," ms lee gives the girl a thumbs up as she smiles back, walking out of the class for lunch.


"hey, you got the news?" dahee turns away from her locker to see the very boy she will have to deal with for the next few months. hongjoong's obnoxiously chewing his gum, smirking at the girl as he leans against the lockers. "about me tutoring you? yes, i have. we'll start tomorrow after school, is that okay?" she asks the boy, not looking at him as she goes through her locker's contents, trying to find her notes for a specific subject.

a finger on her chin causes her to freeze, eyes wide at the sudden contact. hongjoong turns her head to the side to face him. "it's rude to not look when someone's talking to you, isn't it, princess?" she smacks his hand away from her face. "the fuck? get your hands off me!" she exclaims, looking away from his intense stare as she fixes her jacket.

there was no denying that he was good looking. his slicked back hair, sharp jawline and deep brown eyes that makes every girl melt under his gaze. he had smooth, flawless skin and his soft lips were very attractive and captivating.

but there was something about him that made her uneasy if she looked at him too long. his strong gaze could be dark and cold, his manner of walking, the way he talked; it showed clearly that he wasn't someone she should in any way be acquainted with. but then again, it's not like she has people that she's close acquaintances with.

"oh? what was that? did you just swear?" the boy feign shock, raising an eyebrow in amusement. who knew the good girl could say such a bad word? he honestly found it pretty hot. "what do you take me for? a goody two shoes?" she narrows her eyes at the slightly taller male, raising her eyebrows.

"yeah, actually. you're viewed as this like, perfect girl with good grades, good looks and good manners. you were probably brought up in a perfect household so i didn't think you even had it in you to swear." he snickered. something in dahee's eyes changed when he said that and she frowns. she scoffs, shutting her locker before completely leaving the boy, making her way to the library where she spends her lunch most of the time.

hongjoong simply stares at her back as she walks away, her figure fading as she got further and further from him. he was confused. was it something he said? or was it the way he acted towards her that repulsed her?


"she didn't even say anything back? just walked away from you?" seonghwa asks his friend before taking a bite of his sandwich. the two boys were sitting on a bench on the rooftop, seonghwa eating while hongjoong is on his phone as he tells the other about his conversation with dahee. they spend their lunch there everyday since every time they sit in the cafeteria, girls would randomly join them on their table and shamelessly flirt with them.

but them being the school's heartthrobs, it's unavoidable. girls all around would try to talk to them and get their attention. of course, the two boys didn't care about that. seonghwa thinks that falling in love is a waste of time at this age while hongjoong just thinks love doesn't exist; because they'll leave eventually, just like his mother left him.

"yeah, she did. i don't even know what i did wrong. was it something i said? do you think she's offended?" he babbled, somehow worried. even seonghwa is confused why his friend is suddenly concerned about one thing he said to dahee when he's rejected so many girls with the harshest ever words.

"dude, why do you care so much all of a sudden?" seonghwa snickers at him. it was rare to see him even think back on what he said to a girl, let alone regret it. "i don't know, dude. her face dropped when i said that and i– i don't know, man! i'll be spending the next couple months with her, i don't want her to hate me." seonghwa raises his eyebrows at this, judging him. "and since when have you ever cared whether a girl hates you or not?"

hongjoong rolls his eyes at his nosey friend. "she's interesting, okay?" he pauses, looking at his friend who is still judging him. "don't judge me, hwa. just tell me what i'm supposed to do, please?" he begs. "okay, just apologise to her–"

"apologise?! what do i need to apologise for? i don't even kn–" before he could even finish, the older smacks him on the back of his head. "get ahold of yourself! you're the one who said she looked hurt at whatever the fuck you said and if you don't want your next few months with her to be awkward then apologise! put away your ego for one second and apologise, will you?"

hongjoong keeps quiet at the sudden outburst of his friend. he sighs defeatedly, looking at him. "fine."

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