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a/n: i'm so so sorry for not updating frequently, things have been kind of rough lately i hope you guys can understand :/ also, quite a chapter ahead ya heads up

tw: strong language, abuse

dahee harshly wipes her tears away as she dreadfully walks towards the direction of her house. going home this early meant nothing but trouble but she had to since she had nowhere else to go. and she was probably going to get it worse today since she didn't cook for him before she left for school. she was hoping to avoid extra bad situations on days like this by staying later at hongjoong's but of course she couldn't do that today after their huge argument.

she quietly opens her front door, cautiously looking around for signs of her father anywhere. she lets out a sigh of relief when she doesn't see him in the living room. she tiptoes into the house quietly, trying to not make any noise as she makes her way to her room.

"where the fuck do you think you're going, bitch?" she flinches at the sound of the gruff voice and stops in her tracks. slowly, she turns around to face the man standing in the kitchen. "why didn't you make food for me before you left for school today?!" the man advances towards her, cornering her against the wall.

"i-i'm sorry, i was running late this morning.." she admits in a quiet voice. "you think i care about you being late or not? listen here, kid, you do what i tell you to or i'll kick you out of this goddamn house! you have no where else to go, dumb whore, no one wants you! right here is the only place you have and if you want to keep your place here, fucking do what i tell you to!" he shoves her head against the wall, her head hitting the corner of a wall frame.

she groans in pain, one of the rare times she actually lets out a sound at his countless assaults on her. her hand reaches up to the side of her forehead, blood staining her trembling fingers. "oh no, my baby, did that hurt you?" he sarcastically asks her, gripping onto her face tightly. dahee's heart clenches at the name he had always called her back when everything was perfect.

"that was nothing, you bitch!" he roughly slams her onto the coffee table, everything that was on it thrown off the surface. dahee cries in pain, tears falling as she tries to get up despite the pain shooting through her whole body.

her grip on the edge of the table wasn't strong enough to keep her stable, causing her to fall onto the floor, pathetically crying. the man kicks her continuously as she blocks her head with her arms. "p-please stop," she begs him. he stops, breathing heavily as he crouches down to look her in the eye.

"you deserve this, you useless fucking piece of shit. i don't even know why i still keep you around. you don't even listen to me anymore, i bet it's that boy you're always with, huh? what did he tell you? that he loves you?" the man grabs her chin to make her face him. "this isn't a love story. no one loves you, get that through your head, dumb bitch." he scoffs, standing back up to give her one last hard kick on her rib area before walking away from her.

"why?" she chokes out and the man stops walking, turning to face her once again. "why do you do this? i– i'm your daughter. why do you treat me like this? why do you hurt me when you were the one who promised to protect all your girls? you— you promised not to let anything hurt me, sohee and mum. so why do you turn against your own words now?" at this point, the pain all over her body didn't matter because what was hurting the most was her heart.

"you're the one hurting me, dad. what happened to the happily ever after that you promised mum? that you promised us all?" she sobs out, tears falling down uncontrollably after she for once, speaks to him about this.

the expression on the man's face changed for a split second before the cold look he's been wearing came back. he squats down in front of her again, grabbing her face once again and staring her dead in the eyes.

"because happy endings don't exist, kid. i lost the love of my life, if i don't get a happy ending, no one else deserves it." he spits through gritted teeth, releasing his grip on her face harshly before standing up once again, dahee following suit despite the immense pain she was feeling.

"but i lost mum too! you're not the only one who lost her, dad. we're all affected by it but mum's not gonna like it if she knows you became like this after her death! get a grip! you still have me and sohee, are we not enough to bring you happiness?" she screams, tears streaming down uncontrollably. she didn't know where the confidence came from but she just had to address everything once and for all.

"don't you dare talk about what your mother would think about what i became! she's dead! she can't see us anymore!" he hollers at her, lips trembling out of anger. "but she's always watching us from above!"

he grabs her hair, tugging on it as he glares at her. "she's gone! forever! stop being fucking delusional and stop talking back to me before—"

"before what?! before you hurt me?! you've been doing that for so long, i'm already used to it! hurt me more, why don't you?" she bawled out. she gave up trying to talk some sense into him. "you damn fucking right i will, you brat!" he grabs her by her collar and throws her against the same wall he did few moments ago.

her head hits the frame once again before she fell to the ground, the frame dropped down onto her as a result of the impact on the wall. she feels liquid trickling down the side of her head once again and she decides to finally shut up, like she's always done most of the time. it's always her mouth that gets her into deeper shit with the monster that used to be her father.

"now you're gonna fucking clean up this mess before i get back, got it?! and you're never leaving the house ever again! not even for school! because with all the influence around you lately, you're getting more courageous, aren't you? too bad you don't stand a fucking chance against me!" he screams at her and walks out of the house before dahee could even protest.

she tries to open the door after he left but fails as it seemed to have been locked from the outside. she was locked in. she didn't even know how that was possible but with that man living with her, he was probably willing to do anything to make her suffer. she couldn't even escape by the windows if she tried because it would be a 7 storey drop all the way down.

of course he's doing this. he doesn't love me at all. no one loves me. she cries as she gets up slowly, going to tend to her bruises and the mess of her slightly bloody face.

she then decides to finally do something about this. she no longer cares that the man was her own father. he deserves jail time. so she tries to find her phone, only to find it out of battery and her charger nowhere to be found in the house. she sinks down against the wall in her room helplessly, thinking that all hope is gone for her. that she's going to be stuck here forever, no one trying to find her because like her father had said, no one cares about her.

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