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a/n: update i found my airpods life is good now thank you all teehee

"i'm sorry, what?" hongjoong's face scrunched up in disgust at the woman in front of him. his mother sits across the teenagers and gestures for the man to sit too. "yes, this is my boyfriend, lee seonho. you call him mr lee." she introduces the man calmly.

"no, i will not call him anything because he's not anyone important to me. are you crazy? how could you get a boyfriend only over a year after dad died?!" hongjoong stands up, looking down at his mother, glaring at her without sparing a look towards the man at all.

"joong, calm down. let her explain everything first, okay?" dahee whispers to him, pulling his hand to get him to sit back down. he does so, albeit resentfully. "okay, you said you want to explain everything. go on, explain. this better be good," he mutters the last sentence as he blatantly rolls his eyes at them.

"first off, i owe you a huge apology for what i did. it was a bad move as a parent and i should've at least said something. but as i said, i was grieving and so i couldn't think properly. i was angry at everything and everyone and i was afraid i would hurt you if i let my anger out on you. i sought comfort from seonho, who at that time was the closest friend i had. he let me stay for a few days because he understood my reasoning.

"but days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. without me realising, i had left for too long. but i couldn't bring myself to come back, too ashamed to face you. how could i do that when i disappointed my only son? so i decided to stay longer with seonho. he didn't mind at all. he was nothing but kind and understanding towards me. and the longer i stayed, the happier i slowly became. he— he took away all the pain i felt. he—"

"really, mum? dad dies and it only takes you a few months to move on? did dad not mean anything to you at all?" he spoke with venom in his voice.

"no, hongjoong, listen! i loved him a lot but, but your father.. he was obsessed with work and so i only had seonho to talk to when your father was still alive. so of course i came to him when your father passed! he was the only one who cared about me!" she tells him, exasperated.

the look in hongjoong's eyes changed immediately and he glared at her with the darkest expression. "so you cheated on dad when he was alive?"

"that's not it—"

"it's exactly what it is! dad works so hard to provide the best for you and for me but all you do is seek happiness from another man? and when he died, you left because i wasn't enough. you think this man right here is more important than your own son," he gives the dirtiest look towards the man before glaring at his mother.

"hongjoong! do not be rude to him! he's going to be your father some day!" the woman scolds him and he scoffs. "father? in your dreams! because i don't have a mother anymore." he spits angrily, getting up and walking away, not once turning back.

dahee abruptly gets up, this time not sparing a glance towards the woman before sprinting to catch up with her boyfriend. he keeps walking until they reach a park where he stops near a bench, groaning in annoyance and pulling on his hair.

"joong," dahee approaches him, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down but the boy moved away from her touch, causing her hand to fall. dahee looks up at him, hurt. "joong—"

"no, dahee! not anymore! i can't believe i let you convince me to see her again! i've always hated her, why did you badly want me to have a legitimate reason?! why couldn't you just let me hate her without a specific reason? i could've stayed hating her without having to know all that! i could've stayed hating her without having to meet her again because in the end, she still deserves to be hated by me! i could've lived the rest of my life not knowing the real reason! the one that's even worse than what i had assumed! " dahee frowns at his outburst, embarrassed that a few heads turned towards them.

"joong, calm down. okay, i'm sorry. but i did tell you that this meeting was meant for you to either have a real reason to hate her forever, or get back your mother. and i'm sorry you had to listen to all her shitty excuses but there you go, you got your explanation, finally." she tells him in a normal voice, not wanting more people in the park to hear.

"i didn't need that! i didn't need to hear her confess to cheating on my dad! i didn't need to hear that my dad's death didn't affect her as much as it affected me! and i damn well didn't need to know that i wasn't important enough for her to stay!" his voice was shaking and dahee could see how teary his eyes were. "joong—"

"no, dahee! don't you get it?! i'm content with having just you and hwa! stop trying to convince me otherwise! stop thinking i can't make it without a parent because i can!" a tear manages to escape when he blinked and dahee wanted nothing but to pull him in close to comfort him.

"i'm not saying you can't! i know that you're capable of taking care of yourself but i see it in your eyes when you talk about her, joong. i see the look in your eyes when seonghwa talks about his mum and even though you don't admit it, i know you do want your mother back. and though you want her back, you can't bring yourself to accept her mistake and i totally understand that," she grabs both his arms, looking him in the eyes, trying to calm him down.

"understand what, dahee?! you have no idea what it feels like to have someone so close to you in your life die and have everything come crashing down so fast! you have no idea what it feels like to think that the only family you have left, doesn't love you! do you have any idea how fucking stupid i feel whenever i think the slightest bit that maybe she did care about me?" dahee keeps quiet at this, his statement hitting way too close to home. how stupid could she be to think that her father still loves her?

"you don't, do you?! so stop bullshitting and acting like you know my pain, because i sure as hell bet you don't with that perfect ass life of yours," he says harshly, shrugging her hands off his arm before walking away from her.

dahee stood frozen in her spot, letting his words sink in. she didn't think he was capable of saying such hurtful words to her like that. and so she remains standing there in the middle of the park, a few watching her in pity after having witnessed the teenagers' argument. her tears doesn't stop falling as she watches his figure fade, the further away he gets from her.

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