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tw: strong language, abuse, suicidal thoughts

"so like what? do we just knock or something? will that even work? the guy might not even get the door when he sees us, dude! this was a bad idea," seonghwa panics as the two walk out the elevator, taking a left turn where dahee's unit was. "we'll— we'll figure something out, okay? relax." hongjoong tells his friend as they keep walking.

from the distance hongjoong could see a man opening the door that he recognised as the door he always walked dahee to. as the man opens the door and enters, hongjoong sprints to hold the door quietly, placing his foot in between to prevent it from closing. he was afraid that dahee's father wouldn't open the door to them so he took it upon himself to make sure he would get to see dahee even if the man didn't allow him to.

seonghwa catches up to him, whispering harshly in his ear. "what are you doing? he's gonna notice his door not being closed fully! get your foot out!" but hongjoong refused to do so, peeking into the house slightly.

he manages to convince seonghwa that the man wouldn't notice unless either one of them makes a noise so they quietly peek into the house, trying to see if dahee was anywhere around. they flinch slightly when they hear the man scream.

"where the fuck is my food, you stupid bitch?! i told you to make me food before i return home!" the two boys look at each other in shock at the use of strong language. it was evident that the man was really drunk, based on how he moved and spoke. a familiar voice then speaks in a small voice, causing them to snap their heads towards where the voice came from. "y–you told me to clean your room first so i was doing just that.."

hongjoong gasps, his jaw dropping at the sight of the bruises all over her body. her arms had the most due to having to block her head and face all the time. her legs, too, had some pretty fresh bruises and the boys almost cried at the sight of it. and those were only the ones that they could see. what about those they have yet to see? the would lose their minds if the ever saw the ones under her shirt. how long has she been holding on like this?

seonghwa clasps a hand over his own mouth in shock, afraid to make a sound when the man grabs dahee by the hair and throws her on the floor, the girl's body hitting the glass dining table, knocking down some utensils and other stuff. "didn't i fucking tell you i hate having to wait for my food?" he grabs her collar and pins her against the wall, glaring at her. "i–i know, i'm—"

"save it. go make my food now!" he pushes her harshly towards her kitchen, causing her to fall down pathetically. "don't just fucking sit there, bitch, make the damn food now!" he kicks at her to make her get up.

hongjoong's jaw clenched as he watched the assault happen right before his eyes. he was about to step in when seonghwa stops him, pulling his shoulder back as he tells the younger to be quiet. "don't do anything. we don't know what he might do when he sees us. i'll call the police, you stay put." hongjoong hesitantly nods, turning back towards the house as he observes more harsh words being thrown at dahee and occasionally unnecessary hits.

his heart breaks watching it. how long has she possibly managed to withstand all of that? how long has she managed to look perfectly fine when all she is, is the exact opposite of that? how could she act like nothing was wrong when everything was?

not long after, seonghwa comes back and joins him as they continue to watch everything happening. "they said they'll be here soon. don't worry, joong. she'll be safe soon." he gives his best friend a small pat on the shoulder before the man's scream was heard again.

"you think sohee's gonna find out about this and report me? think again, kid. she hasn't called at all. pathetic little bitch you are that not even your sister cares about you," he continuously pushes her head, as if playing with it, except harshly. "stop it!" she finally screams out as she pushes away his hand, shocking even her two friends who had been standing by the door.

"if you hate me so much, why don't you just kill me already?! why do you have to waste your time, screaming at me everyday about what i do wrong?" she cries out. she was already giving up, knowing her life was going to be like this forever. she thought that if it's just going to be like this forever, she would rather just die. she didn't want to live the rest of her life like this. she just wanted all the pain to end. she wasn't strong anymore.

"you best believe that i'll do just that if you keep up with this attitude, you brat!" the man pushes her down to the floor once again as she only continues crying. "mum's probably watching you right now in disappointment." she chuckles bitterly, tears still falling down her face.

"okay, that's it. you want to die so badly? you'll get it," the man stands in front of her figure sitting on the floor, taking out something from his back pocket. one click was all it took for the boys to figure out what the man was holding, despite his back being faced towards them. "dude, how does he even have that...."

dahee's face changed into one of fear and shock before she instinctively backed away from the man, her feet moving to keep sliding herself backwards, that is, until her back hit the wall. "you want to die so badly, you'll get it, bitch!"

he wraps a hand around her throat, forcing her up on her feet. the man cocks the gun right at her face and dahee only keeps crying, eyes tightly shut and hands over her ears, waiting for the bullet to go through her head. but before the man could pull the trigger, the gun was smacked out of his hand and across the room. "get. your filthy hands. off her." his eyes widen when he sees hongjoong stand before him, glaring him down.

"who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house, kid? get the fuck out before i call the police!" the man screams, pushing hongjoong by his chest but the boy only stumbles back slightly, being surprisingly stronger than he looks. before the man can even attack him, hongjoong pushes him away from where dahee was at. "don't worry old man, the police already are coming."

"oh, you're that kid who's always with her, aren't you? stay the fuck outta this or you'll be the one ending up like how she was just about to be," he threatens, pulling hongjoong closer by his collar.

in the midst of this, seonghwa manages to slip into the house too, immediately going over to dahee who had dropped back down onto the floor, too shocked to move even just an inch. she was in daze as she stares at the man, blinking away tears as more came down. the boy drops down next to her, gently grabbing her sides to make her look at him. she only turns her head slightly to look up at him. "h–he had a gun to my head.."

"hey, hey, it's okay. you're okay now, we're here. we won't let anything happen to you, okay?" he pulls her into an embrace, mindful of all the bruises that he can see. "there there, you're fine now." he whispers, stroking her hair gently as he lets her cry into his chest.

"look, man, i don't care if you want to kill me but that's your daughter right there! you were about to kill your own blood! you wanna go to jail for killing your own child?!" hongjoong screams, pointing towards the traumatised girl at the corner of the living room.

"you think i care about going to jail? i got nothing to lose! i've lost everything! if this stupid girl right here didn't exist, maybe i would've still had my wife around! so fucking beat it before i really kill you too." he fumes, going to grab his gun from the floor and stumbling towards dahee once again.

right when he aimed at her, seonghwa abruptly gets up. he smacks the gun out of his hand, gripping his wrist tightly as he scowled at the much older man. soon, the man was pinned down on the floor by an angry seonghwa. he tries to keep him down as the boys wait for the police to come, which wasn't that long since it had already been over five minutes since he called.

hongjoong opens the door and immediately men in uniforms swarm in. seonghwa removes himself from the man, handing him over to the police. hongjoong immediately runs to dahee, pulling her closer to him gently as he caresses her.

"hey, it's okay, baby, you're okay. the bad man won't hurt you anymore, you're safe here with me."

𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲 || 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠.Where stories live. Discover now