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"are you kidding me? so now i'm gonna be third wheeling you guys all the time? lord save me," the oldest of the trio groaned when hongjoong and dahee told him about them. "you act like you haven't always been third wheeling us, hwa." hongjoong teases his best friend, loving the annoyed expression the older is wearing.

"yeah but you guys are legit now, it's different." he huffs out, sulking. dahee grins up at him, finding it funny that he's sulking over this. "hwa, everything will stay the same between the three of us, okay? we can still mess around with joong like we always do. don't get upset, oppa." hongjoong chokes on air and seonghwa's eyes were wide as saucers when they heard that.

dahee tries her best to hold in her laugh at their reactions, speaking up once again. "what? i thought i was your 'little sister'? and you begged me to call you that well there you go," she shrugs her shoulders, acting as if it didn't matter at all.

"i– but– but you– you know what? never mind. fine, you guys better not make me feel like a third wheel," he threatens them with a pepero stick in their faces. "ever."

the couple playfully rolled their eyes at his childishness, both agreeing though they were pretty sure nothing is gonna change between the three of them.


"baby," the boy whines, pouting at his girlfriend. dahee flushes, not used to that new pet name as if he didn't already call her a million other pet names before they got together. "how much longer do we have to study? organic chemistry has my brain fried."

"little more, joong. i'm gonna quiz you after we're done." dahee tries to not fall for his charm. he knew her weaknesses and he knew she definitely couldn't resist him acting cute. unfortunately, the girl doesn't falter, no matter how close to her face he got.

nothing can stop the girl when she's teaching. hongjoong leans back on his chair, pouting when he fails to get her distracted. dahee snickers, shaking her head slightly as she explains the topic to him.

an hour passes and the two finally get done with the day's study session. dahee smiles at her tired-looking boyfriend, placing a hand against his cheek. "you did good, joongie."

this makes the boy smile, placing his own hand over hers that was on his face. "that's only because i have the best teacher ever," he smiles warmly at her, scrunching his nose a little. "alright i'm gonna make us some instant noodles, you can rest on the couch. don't worry, baby, i won't burn down the kitchen this time," he chuckles when she gives him a questioning look when he said he was going to cook.

"okay, joong. i trust you, i guess. i'm gonna take a nap, wake me up when you're done." she lets out a yawn as she plops down onto the couch, face down. hongjoong laughs at this and literally two minutes later, she was out cold.

he stares at her jacket clad figure, a stiff smile on his face. it's already over two months since they've known each other and hongjoong has never heard her complain about anything at all. he wonders if she really doesn't have any problems. he wonders how she manages to deal with him ranting out his problems to her all the damn time.

once again, he feels the slightest bit of envy towards the girl. he hasn't felt it in a while, the last time being one of their first interactions ever. usually he would absolutely hate anyone for the stupidest reason; having a much more 'fortunate' life than him. he hated the fact that everyone else had a great, loving family and here he was, all alone and abandoned by his own family.

even seonghwa, who he has been close friends with for years, he envies. so of course, he would feel the overwhelming envy towards dahee for having the perfect life. the girl was always smiling, the girl seemed to be happy almost all the time and she even has the grades that others wanted.

he felt stupid for having that negative feeling towards her, even the littlest bit, because she has done nothing but be there for him all this time. but maybe what he wanted was someone who he truly thinks can relate to him. someone who's had it rough, just like him. someone who knows what it feels like to have someone they love, leave, just like him. he wants someone to advise him based on their personal experiences because to him, you never really know the pain unless you've experienced it.

he feels bad for thinking this way but a small part of him just wished dahee could be going through some rough times too. he wished she wasn't the perfect girl everyone saw her as.

he wants her to show anything, anything, if it shows even a tiny bit, that she's human. he wants her to cry  to him if she feels sad but she never really seems to ever be sad. he wants her to tell him all her secrets, tell him all her insecurities. he wants to think that maybe the only reason she never takes off her jacket is because she's insecure. and that is possibly the only flaw she has, in his eyes. he wants to think that she really isn't as perfect as she appears to be.  he wanted the tiny bit of negative feeling towards her to be gone and so he wanted to be assured that she too, hurts. just like he does.

but he has no idea how much she really hurts everyday. he has no idea that under that layer of clothing, isn't what he thinks are simply insecurities. he has no idea how much its hurts for her, both physically and mentally. he has no idea how many bruises and cuts she's sparing his innocent eyes from. and he definitely has no idea that this perfect girl? is the furthest from perfect.

he has no idea that if he were to take merely a one minute peek into her life, he'd know that all of his assumptions about her is absolutely wrong just from that minute. he has no idea that if people were to know both his and dahee's stories, they'd know that these two weren't that much different. they'd know that dahee isn't the 'perfect' person to balance out hongjoong's imperfections, like he thought she was.

"hongjoong! oh my god! i thought you said you wouldn't burn down your kitchen!" his thoughts were interrupted when dahee runs past him and turns off the stove. no fire broke out but the noodles he was cooking had dried up and stuck to the pan, an unappetising visual for what she assumed was supposed to be their dinner.

she turns around to see hongjoong's sheepish grin, the boy scratching the nape of his neck. "so....pizza?" dahee playfully rolls her eyes at her boyfriend. she places a hand against his cheek, lightly tapping it and smiling adoringly at the boy. "you're such an idiot sometimes, you know that?"

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