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in just a few hours, hongjoong will be having his first tutor session with dahee. it's now lunchtime and he's currently waiting for her at her locker with a bar of chocolate. he stands straight when he sees the girl approaching. she looks at him expectantly, arms crossed. "yes?"

"hi uh, i just wanted to say sorry about yesterday. i um, i'm not sure what i said but you seemed pretty upset about it," he hands her the chocolate bar awkwardly, scratching his nape. "i hope you don't take it to heart. i don't always think before saying stuff."

she looks at the boy, eyeing him up all the way down. he seemed pretty decent today, dressing a bit more neatly, like putting on his tie properly instead of it just hanging loosely around his collar and buttoning his shirt up. a small smile makes its way onto her face, seeing the usually confident boy now stand before her, all fidgety and awkward.

"hey, it's totally fine. it was also rude of me to have just walked away without saying anything. so, are we cool?" she clears her throat, waiting for the boy to answer. "oh uh, yeah! yeah, we're good," he laughs awkwardly. he wants to ask her what was it that he did or said that caused her to react that way but decides against it as he feels like it might stir her up again.

"so uh, where are we studying? do you wanna do it at your place instead? cause i live alone and i'm not sure if you're comfortable with being alone with me at my place." he suggested and the girl immediately shook her head. "oh, it's fine! i'm totally fine with tutoring you at your place,"

"are you sure?" hongjoong asks, looking concerned. it surprised dahee how polite the boy was when it came to this. only yesterday he was shamelessly flirting with her and suddenly today he's being extra respectful. "yes, hongjoong, it's fine. we'll do it at your place." she gives him a small smile.

the boy could only hesitantly nod as she waves him goodbye before making her way to the library. he wonders why she seemed against them having their tutor session at her place but then again, it's none of his business anyways.


the two teenagers stood in front of an apartment door as hongjoong keys in the passcode for his apartment. they enter together and dahee couldn't help but gape at the interior of the apartment. she couldn't believe how nice of a place he lives in, alone especially. "wow, this is a really nice place,"

hongjoong smirks at her reaction. "keep that mouth closed, sweetheart." dahee immediately snaps out of it, clearing her throat. "so, we'll study on the dining table?" she asks him. "yeah, sure. it's pretty warm so i'll just turn on the ac, do you wanna take off your jacket? you can hang it on that coat rack over there," he points to a coat rack by the front door. dahee didn't understand how the boy could literally turn from the biggest flirt to a gentleman in like a second.

"ah, it's fine. i get cold easily so i might still need this," she tells him as she takes out her books and writing materials. hongjoong stares at her, still standing. she notices and turns to him with a confused look. "what?"

"we're getting straight into studying?" he asks in shock. "uh, of course. isn't that why i'm here?" she states matter-of-factly. "what were you hoping for?"

"well, i was hoping we could have a little fun, you know what i'm talking about?" he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl as he advances closer. dahee at this point isn't even surprised at his quick character change. she simply slaps him on the arm hard enough to have him groaning in pain.

"don't be disgusting, get your study materials out now." she states sternly, resulting in hongjoong pouting as he rubs the spot on his arm that she hit. dahee found him pretty adorable but of course, she wasn't gonna let it show. she kept a straight face as she waits for the boy to settle down.

she didn't expect him to behave this way, considering how tough and cold he always acts to the people at school. sure, he could get really flirty at times but it's like he's a five year old stuck in a teenage body and it's pretty entertaining to her. she didn't know what it was but she felt herself getting comfortable with hongjoong already.

"take a picture, it'll last longer." hongjoong's voice snaps her out of it, the corner of his lips tugged up in amusement. she brushes him off with a playful roll of her eyes, acting like she didn't just stare at him a second ago. she doesn't want to admit it but he seems pretty fun to be friends with. but she knows not to let her guard down just yet, because most of the time, men ain't shit.


"wow, you're really good at teaching, you know?" hongjoong stretches right after he finishes the last question she told him to do. "it's not all me, you're a good learner too. you catch on pretty quick, that's why it was easier for you to grasp the concepts." she compliments him, causing him to act flattered.

"well, what can i say? i have always been a pretty good learner when i do put in effort." he shrugs his shoulders. "yeah, i know. you used to be one of the top students in our class too, what happened last year?" she didn't intend for it to sound insensitive but when she didn't get a response, she looked at him to see him looking back at her with a sorrowful expression.

"don't ask me that, please. i don't want to talk about that period of time." he says and she immediately widens her eyes. "i-i'm sorry! i didn't mean to–"

"it's fine. it's getting dark, do you want me to walk you home?" he asks, trying to change the topic. "oh, no! it's okay, i can manage." she answers quietly, feeling guilty for bringing back the memories to him.

she knows– the whole class knows that he had lost his father early last year, but she didn't know what caused him to change completely. she thought maybe it's just because he lost a loved one but it seemed like it was more than just that.

but she doesn't like it when people assumed things about her so she stopped trying to figure out what happened to him. she fixes her jacket, grabbing her backpack before making her way to the front door. "i-i'll see you tomorrow."

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