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a/n: double update because i don't have a solid update schedule and i feel bad because i've been updating really slow lately so uhm enjoy yalls <3

"so it's been a while since you two got together. tell me, how's it feel dating someone inexperienced like joong?" seonghwa teases the girl who was just minding her own business playing a stupid game on her phone. as if on cue, she dies in the game and so decides to abandon it completely so she can talk to him.

currently, the two were on the rooftop during lunchtime and hongjoong was made to get them their snacks after losing a game of rock paper scissors. seeing that his best friend isn't around, he's taking advantage of the situation and is trying to pry out blackmail worthy information from the girlfriend, who also happens to be his close friend so he figured it wouldn't be too hard to do so.

"he really texts you those cliche romantic stuff like guys do in movies?" seonghwa asks dahee in amusement, not wanting to believe that his tough guy best friend gets all mushy when he's in love. maybe it's because he had never really seen his best friend in love up until now.

"uhhuh, like it's a whole different kind of feeling from when he was only flirting with me. call me crazy but i find it really sweet, like even though they're very, very, um, too much sometimes. but i like it. because it's from him," she grins, thinking back of all the things the boy have texted her. those were what kept her going during the parts of the day he wasn't with her to tell her those verbally and in person. he didn't know it but he kept her going.

"well....what are the things he says?" he tries to sneakily get her to tell but she notices. he wasn't that slick anyways. but she knew the two boys' friendship builds on constant teasing towards each other and she knew seonghwa was trying to get something out of her, to use against his best friend one day. and she didn't mind it to be honest. so she unlocks her phone, goes to her chat with her boyfriend and didn't even have to scroll that far to find something worth telling. but before she even gets a chance to read it out to him, he snatches her phone from her, laughing as he reads their chat as he runs away from the girl. "night, princess. dream of me, okay?" he mocks, reading out the cringe texts that hongjoong had ever sent to the girl.

"hwa! give it back!" dahee laughs, chasing the tall boy around the rooftop. he stops running, only to keep her phone high up on one hand as he reads from that distance. "curse your long ass legs, give me back my phone!" she whines, continuously hitting his back but he only laughs more as he reads more and more of those cliche, mushy boyfriend-ish things hongjoong have sent her.

the girl starts reaching for it, jumping up as she tries to reach it but to no avail. the boy was significantly taller and he laughs at her attempts. and finally when she gives up, she slumps down onto the floor with a defeated sigh.

amidst all the chaos on the rooftop, the two teens running and playing around, dahee hadn't realised that she had made a big, big mistake. and she didn't notice until after she realised how quiet seonghwa was being, looking up at him to him frowning at her.

her jacket had slid down her arms for the first time ever because she occasionally left it unzipped. after all, she does have her uniform underneath it and it was only needed to cover her arms due to the uniform's short sleeve. though her legs do have some bruises on them, it wasn't as much as her upper body. her arms and stomach area were painted with bruises and it's so scary how she can even manage to not show that she was in much pain.

"dahee.." her eyes widen and immediately she pulls back up her jacket sleeves, now zipping it up. she stands up and clears her throat, asking back for her phone from the boy before dusting off her skirt. "dahee, what's going on?" he asks cautiously, overwhelmed that even though he had expected this, he wasn't ready to see the crazy amount of bruises and scars she had been hiding for the longest time.

"seonghwa i–" she pauses, not knowing what to say because even though she knew they'd find out eventually, she had expected it to be hongjoong first, not seonghwa. "you know you can tell me anything, right? i'm not stupid, dahee. i know you've been hiding it from us and i just want you to find the right time to tell us but, this happened. and i— i can't just let it go now, can i? dahee, please, what's been going on?" he urges her, but not in a forceful way, rather in a soft, gentle way.

"just," she pauses once again, trying to gather her words. "don't tell joong, okay?" she says softly, pulling the taller boy towards the bench the three usually sat at. "why not? he deserves to know," he looks down at her in confusion and worry.

"just, not now at least. he has a lot on his plate right now and i don't want to burden him with this. i'll tell him, i will. just, maybe after he's settled everything with his mum. it'd be too much for him to take in at once." seonghwa nods understandingly. "so.." he trails off, wanting the girl to explain everything to him. hongjoong wouldn't be back in at least ten minutes more so they had time.

and so the girl tells him everything, from the start when she was, what hongjoong thinks of her currently, living a perfect life to when her father gave her new bruises last night. she told him everything she had always wanted to tell somebody. after all, she's had no one to talk about this to for the longest time. and though she wanted it to be hongjoong, she knew it was better that seonghwa was the one listening to her right now.

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