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"eomma, will you drive me to the library? i have a project discussion and i'm running late. please, will you drive your precious dahee there?" 14-year-old dahee begs her mother, pulling the puppy eyes trick on her, knowing that she falls for it every time. "dahee, eomma has some—" she sticks her bottom lip out as she continues to taunt her mother with her cuteness, not taking no for an answer.

"okay, honey, i will take you there. just be a good girl and wait for me to finish ironing appa's work clothes, okay? i'll be done soon so you go and get ready first, sweetheart." the woman smiles at her youngest daughter. dahee was undoubtedly the spoiled one among the two siblings, being the younger one, despite the two sisters being very loved growing up. the woman loved her daughters very, very much and she was willing to do a lot to make her kids happy.

"okay, eomma. thank you~" dahee skips her way to her room to get ready. not long after, the woman was done with everything she needed to do and dahee, too, was ready to leave. sohee was still in school so the woman calls out to her husband, wanting to tell him that she would be going out for a while, to send her daughter to the library and that she would be borrowing his car before he had to leave for work later that night. it was still hours until nighttime so he allowed it.

"take care of the car, yeobo. i don't want a scratch on it," he jokes, kissing his wife's cheek before leaning down to dahee and prompting her to give him a kiss of his cheek. the girl does it, albeit disgustedly but jokingly. "yeobo, i know i don't drive that much but i'm a decent driver, okay?" his wife defends herself, dahee supporting her mother's statement.

"okay, okay, i was kidding. drive safe and dahee, study well, okay? make eomma and appa proud," he lovingly caresses the side of her face before the two leave the house after saying bye to the man.

it was a saturday afternoon and traffic was calmer than dahee's mother had expected, considering it was a weekend. dahee was busy excitedly telling her mother about everything that had happened in school the past few weeks.

"eomma, isn't it crazy that soyeon and mina fought over me? they both wanted me as their partner for this project and they got into a huge fight in class over it. i'd like to say that maybe i'm popular but then again i am the top student in class so maybe people only want me for an easy A. but i really just wish people genuinely like me for me and not for my smarts." the talkative girl stops blabbing about her nonexistent popularity and sighs. "eomma, were you popular back in school?"

"me? gosh, no. just like you, i was a good student. i only focused on studies," the woman proudly confesses, eyes focused on the road. dahee's face brightens up at this. "really? how did you meet appa then?" she asks, excitedly bouncing in her seat. having already turned into a teenager, she wanted to know a lot about things like this.

"sweetheart, i'm driving. calm down, okay?" the woman laughs, glancing over at her overexcited daughter. "eomma," she whines. "tell me your love story!" seeing that they're at a red light, she turns over, placing a hand over her daughter's.

"we're almost at the library, honey. we'll find a day where we can just relax and i'll tell you the story, okay? it's pretty long to be summarised in just a few minutes." upon this, dahee slumps down in her seat, sulking but nodding anyways. the woman chuckles lightly before she focuses her attention back ahead, where the traffic light had turned green.

just as the woman had started to drive forward, a car that had been speeding from the right side ran a red light, immediately crashing against her own. dahee barely had time to scream before the air bags knocked her back and sideways. the car tumbled over and over before coming to an absolute stop, upside down. the girl groans in pain, aware of the feeling of thick liquid dripping from the side of her head.

it's a miracle she wasn't knocked out completely but she was starting to feel like she'd rather be, than experience the bloody taste in her mouth and the excruciating pain all over her body due to the impact. she turns over to her mother, ignoring the fact that the car was smoking. she coughs out the blood in her mouth, unbuckling her seatbelt, falling pathetically onto what was initially the roof of the car before it is now the bottom.

"eomma! eomma, wake up!" she nudges the unconscious woman repeatedly, coughing violently as smoke makes its way into her lungs. "eomma!" she cries out. opening the car door from her side, she fans away the smoke, screaming for help. "help! please, help! please, my mother!" she continues to cry, continuously nudging her mother to wake up but to no avail. the woman had experienced the impact directly, the speeding car crashing onto her side of the car. that impact alone had instantly killed her.

"hey, there's a girl in there! she's still moving!"

dahee couldn't think properly with all the smoke invading her lungs and the tears falling as she begs for her mother to wake up. "eomma! please wake up, don't leave me!" soon, strong arms pulled her out and away from the car, where she could finally breathe fresh air and see properly. but none of that mattered to her. her mother was still in there and she was going to burn if they didn't get her out.

"my mother! she's still in there!" she tries to run back to the car, despite the pain shooting up through her whole body. she was screaming and thrashing around in the arms of a stranger, as she begged them to save her mother.

people watched in pity as the heavily injured girl cries out for someone to save her mother from the burning car. but it was no use since the fire had grown too big for anyone to see the inside of the car, let alone go through the trouble of getting an unconscious woman out.

she struggled against the people holding her back when suddenly there was an enormous explosion. and just like that, it was as if time stopped. she dropped down onto the ground, helplessly crying as she stared at the flame growing bigger. it was no doubt that no one could survive such explosion.

"eomma..." she cries hysterically, ignoring all the injuries she had sustained. the pain was nothing compared to seeing her own mother lie unmoving in the driver's seat and seeing the car blow up, knowing the woman that birthed her was still in there.

and not long after, the fire was put out and flashing lights of the ambulance was all she saw before completely losing consciousness.

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