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a/n: wasn't meant to update this quickly after the last two updates but i am because i'm sad about so many things rn and one of them is because i ordered this like super adorable airpods case but i just lost my airpods gaishsjshs

"but why, dahee? why do you put up with this? haven't you thought of reporting him? how long has this been going on?" seonghwa bombards her with multiple questions out of concern. she looks up at the older with a sad smile, "because he's my dad."

"but.. but you can't just let him do that to you!" he raises his voice at her and she could only look down. "look, dahee, i just— i really care about you and i'm worried, okay? until when are you going to let this go on?" he asks her softly.

"i..i was planning to just get through high school and maybe find a job quickly so i can move out.." she admits sheepishly. seonghwa widens his eyes in shock. "are you serious? dahee, that's a long time. please, do something about this. i know he's your dad but just...i'm scared it'll only get worse as the days go by. does your mum not do anything about it? or does she, too, um..." he trails off cautiously, afraid that he might press the wrong buttons.

"my mum..she's— she's not here anymore. she passed away. i live alone with my dad because my sister is working in a different country." she tells him. his eyes widen slightly as he covered his mouth. "oh my god, dahee, why didn't you tell us about your mum?"

"i didn't think it was that important." she replies him in a small voice and the boy pulls her in for a hug. "you're so strong, dahee. you've been through so much and you're still going through so much. i'm sorry i can't do anything about it but you know i'm always here, right? and hongjoong too, once you tell him. and if you decide to do something about this, you can consult me, okay? i'll do anything for you." he continues to hug her gently, scared that he might hurt her. he strokes her hair gently as dahee only cries over his shoulder.

he sees the girl as his own sister and he couldn't bear knowing that dahee is going through all that and he can't even do anything to help. he wanted to protect her and he wanted her to know that he was there for her. he wanted her to know that he was willing to help her.

about ten minutes or so, when she's calmed down and no longer crying, hongjoong finally comes back with snacks, sweaty and panting. dahee and seonghwa try their best to hide their amusement, seeing his dishevelled appearance. "what happened to you?" dahee snickers, the boy next to her already laughing out loud.

"oh you know, just, was getting snacks for my best friends and got chased by a wild dog, nothing much. here are your drinks and snacks," he distributes them and nonchalantly sat down on the bench, as if being chased by a wild dog didn't bother him at all. "are you okay?" seonghwa asks as he pokes the straw into his strawberry milk.

he lets out a sarcastic laugh first, "am i o— are you really asking me that?! of course i'm not okay, dude! the dog was huge, man! i thought i was gonna die! thank god the security guard stopped it. lord, how did it even get in, jeez." dahee and seonghwa laugh as they watched him relive the moments over again. the boy looked terrified that it was just comical for the two.

"so what did you talk about while i was gone?" hongjoong changes the subject and dahee shifts uncomfortably on the bench, not knowing what to say. fortunately, seonghwa saved them. "you, dude."

hongjoong raises his eyebrow at his best friend, wanting him to elaborate on his answer. "dream of me, princess." the taller mocks with a girly voice, pretending to throw up after he says that. hongjoong's eyes widen at this, turning to look at dahee only to see her sheepishly smiling at him. "he stole my phone."

"can't believe you're a cliche bad boy boyfriend soft for his good girl girlfriend, ew." seonghwa states in disgust. "hey, i'm not a bad boy anymore! i'm a tough man!" he smacks himself on the chest, trying to seem tough but failing when he winces at his own hit.

"so uh does this mean i'm too strong because it hurts or i'm too weak because it hurts?"


"okay, joong remember, let her explain first. let her finish telling you everything and then you can get mad if you want to. main thing is to let her finish so if it's bad, you can go on with your life, hating her for a good reason and if it's not bad, then, you can have your mother back?" dahee reminds him, nervously sipping on her frappe as they waited for the woman again at the same cafe, except this time, they were outside.

"yes, dahee, i know. you've gone through it with me four times already since we got here," he chuckles at her nervous state. "i'm sorry, joongie. i just, i want the best for you." she tells him honestly. he smiles endearingly at her, pinching her cheek. "i know, baby. i love you."

her heart stops momentarily at his confession. though it's been a while since they've started dating, they've never said 'i love you' to each other yet and so obviously, she was caught off guard. he chuckles at her expression, reaching to pinch her cheek again. "you're so cute."

a small blush makes its way to her cheeks and she looks down shyly. "i love you too, joong." and though he didn't show it, his heart was doing somersaults. he didn't think the girl saying that to him would affect him this much but it did. and he liked it.

and they went on talking about the most random things as they waited for hongjoong's mother to arrive. not long after, they hear heels clicking and they stop talking to look up at the woman. however, this time, she had a man with her who looked around her age.

hongjoong frowns at this and dahee only looks at her in confusion. the woman smiles at the two teenagers then focused on hongjoong. she gestures a hand towards the man beside her with a bigger smile, "hongjoong, this is my boyfriend."

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