Moving to Beacon Hills (Part Three)

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You were correct. In fact when Theo managed to reach the vet the monster was almost upon the two of you. "Beast follow!" Theo gasped. Frowning you slid down out of his arms and gave him a disapproving look.
"How in the world are you out of breath, you couldn't have been running at top speed... do werewolves even get out of breath?"

"I was carrying you and fleeing that!"

While you'd been bickering Deaton had moved closer, hoping to see what was wrong before disaster struck.

"Here, Scott thinks you can do something with this." You said to Deaton as you handed over the claw. He led the two of you into the back as he started to look over the claw. Something huge hit the side of his building. It made the table rattle and all the jars and storage shelves vibrate nervously. Disaster had propelled itself at top speed at his building and Deaton was more than a little worried.

"I haven't seen anything like this before." He commented.

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely... it appears to be, almost like a chimera." He frowned, looked at you and then you both looked over at Theo who raised his eyebrows and gave you both a confused look.

"It's not mine." He said quickly.

"Well obviously, this thing doesn't look like any other... things like you." You said with an exasperated sigh as you looked back at Deaton. "It's following the claw, right?"

"If you can get it away from here and away from town it might follow the claw." Deaton suggested. He shook his head, fumbling around as he took pictures of it and started looking through more books.

"That will work?" You asked

"That's the best thing we can do for now. We can't have this thing rampaging around town." Deaton advised.

"We can do it." Theo said quietly as he grabbed at the claw and glanced at you. With a firm nod you followed him.

"I'll see if I can find anyone who knows what this is." Deaton called after the two of you.

Theo led the way as he snuck around the side of the building. Motioning for you to stop as he reached a corner. Glancing round he could see the beat clawing at the front of the vet. He frowned, something out the front of the building was reacting the same way to the monster as werewolves react to mountain ash. Whatever it was wouldn't hold up for long. He also spotted the McCall back gathered a little way up the road. At least leaving Deaton wouldn't mean he'd be alone for too long. He managed to get Scott's attention and try to convey what the plan was. Satisfied that Scott seemed to understand he turned back to you.

"I can carry you. It'll be safer and faster." He offered awkwardly. With a sigh you let him hoist you up and zipped the claw up in your pocket.

You held onto Theo as tightly as you could, he rushed through the woods, heading to somewhere he clearly knew, he seemed to follow a path you couldn't see. I didn't take long for the sound of the beast lumbering after you to echo around. After a few moments a Coyote ran up alongside Theo, growling and snapping.

"What is that?" You asked and Theo let out a quick laugh.

"It's Malia. She says Scott has a plan, apparently Deaton called Argent and figured out what it is." Theo answered. He sped up and followed Malia through a new path, eventually he had to slow as the path narrowed more and more until he nervously stopped. "Give Malia the claw, We'll take too long going down this way, she can go up ahead."

Malia stopped snapping at the two of you as you did what Theo said. He frowned at her, muttering something rude about Coyotes that had her give him a sharp growl before running off.

"Do you know what Scott's plan is or did you just give the only thing controlling that thing to a coyote on some weird werewolf blind faith?" You asked him.

"Scott always has a plan and finds some way to save the day. At this point it just re-signs itself to follow along." He muttered and gave you a sheepish smile.

Theo led the way through the woods, helping you through matted bushes and over tree roots. When you reached the McCall pack the sun was starting to rise. You'd spent all afternoon and evening fleeing from the creature, you hadn't even noticed how long it had been.

"They actually did it!" You said in surprise when the two of you got close enough to see Derek and Malia holding down a confused figure who was shouting and complaining.

"Looks like someone whose powers switch on out of the blue. Happens sometime. We know how to handle it." Theo informed you. The elders had made it seem like the Beacon Hills wolves were a bunch of idiots who couldn't tell their tail from their nose. But you watched as they moved with precision, Stiles explaining what had and would happen, Lydia heading off with Scott to call ahead to Deaton. The other wolves lurked in the woods nearby, cautiously. Derek kept a firm hold on the poor person as they listened in horror to Stiles. By the time it was morning Deaton had fixed them up and they were on their way with a few of the pack members and Scott's mother who had come by to pick up Scott.

Seeing them work together makes you think of them in a different light. Theo was rushing about following orders, a determined look on his face, as he followed Deaton's directions. Perhaps you'd been wrong. They were not well established coven by any mean stretch. But it wasn't so repulsive to think you would be forever bound to werewolves who were so determined to help and protect their home.

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